Motivation – Is It All Fun and Games?

Some would argue that children need to learn responsibility and no one said it should be all fun and games. We believe that life is a joy, that each day holds something to be savored, and that time spent together is to be cherished. The Helpy Helpers Club is one simple thing we tried to help our children learn to be cheerful servants.

When my girls grew out of The Helpy Helpers Club, we had to come up with something new. We also saw the need to work on attitudes as well as work expectations. It was no joy to any of us to have an orderly house, but miserable inhabitants. As we considered motivational techniques, we discussed the area of allowances, but my husband and I disagreed about how allowances should be used. He felt that the children should not be paid for doing chores that they have to do simply because they live in our home. (There is a larger discussion of this issue in chapter 8, which covers the subject of money.) We came up with the idea of “The Field Beans” as a middle ground.

< ![if !vml]>question_mark_serious_thinker_500_clr[1]< ![endif]>[Before we go to the Field of Beans, what do you think?  Knowing the first few years of a child’s development is critical, is it feasible to help a child Sam’s age develop internal motivation as opposed to external motivation created through rewards?  I’d like to hear what you have to say.]

Life Skills For Kids: Equipping Your Child For The Real World

by Christine M. Field

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. ~ 3 John 4
