So what is the source of quarrels and conflicts among us?

  1. Is rebelling against rebellion rebellion? Is that what Trump is doing? Is it possible to act lawlessly in a lawless nation?
  2. How is a people in our condition to go about “establish[ing] this Constitution for the United States of America?”
  3. So what is that source of quarrels? Is it “cultural fragmentation, technological developments, and economic upheaval [that] have undermined the feeling of togetherness that Americans shared just a few short decades ago”?
  4. Will the Church once again survive while the government folds once again proving man has not a clue how to govern himself?

President to announce $8 billion for border wall

  • consider the divisive response to these developments.
  • Declaring a national emergency would be a lawless act
  • the deterioration of traditional religious and institutional affiliations has dissolved valuable cords of community.
  • There was a time when we interacted with our neighbors, whether we agreed with them or not.
  • Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse agrees. In Them: Why We Hate Each Other–And How to Heal, he notes that “cultural fragmentation, technological developments, and economic upheaval have undermined the feeling of togetherness that Americans shared just a few short decades ago.”


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