Trump’s Deal With The Devil

Trump’s Deal With The Devil

  • On the very day that Netanyahu was formally indicted on corruption charges by the Israeli Knesset, Donald Trump rolls out his “Deal of the Century” Middle East peace plan. As with Trump’s assassination of General Soleimani, this is nothing but a ploy to try and save Trump’s partner in crime and fellow Zionist, Benjamin Netanyahu—and to further endear himself to the much beguiled Christian Zionists within America’s evangelical voting bloc.
  • “It is obvious that Trump is repeating history by establishing new Balfour Declaration.“He [Trump] is giving away what he does not own, to people who have no right to it,”
  • Following Britain’s pledge to establish “a national home for the Jewish people,” the Balfour Declaration was issued on November 2, 1917. It turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a reality. “This deal only secures Israeli interests while violating international law and some of the main pillars of a Palestinian state – Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley.
  • a demonic attempt to overturn God’s divine judgment on the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple in 70 AD—a judgment that had been prophesied by Old Testament prophets, John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles. In actuality, Zionism is nothing more than a 2,000-year blood feud with God for destroying their holy city and their holy temple.
  • Tragically, evangelical Christians are following the Pied Pipers of Zionism into the abyss.
  • Anyone who believes that the modern State of Israel fulfills Bible prophecy or that the Zionists in Israel are “God’s Chosen People” or that God’s promise in Genesis 12:3 to bless those who bless Abram applies to modern Israel is following Satan’s lie.
  • The modern State of Israel is a complete counterfeit; the Ashkenazi Jews inhabiting Palestine are only “chosen” if they—like every other person on the planet, Jew or Gentile—have been “chosen in Christ” (Ephesians 1:4). And the Rothschild Zionists (who are the planners, promoters and financial pockets of a globalist New World Order, complete with its efforts to strip free men of their right to keep and bear arms, implement universal abortion-on-demand, fill our culture with pornography and sexual deviancy and destroy America’s Christian heritage) are nothing more than the spiritual descendants of the Pharisees, chief priests and scribes who hated and crucified the Son of God for their own personal pleasure and profit. (Matthew 27:18, 20; Mark 11:17, 18; 15:11; Luke 16:14; 23:21; John 11:48; 19:6, 15; Acts 2:22, 23)
  • If America’s evangelicals want to support “God’s people” in Palestine, they will support the Palestinian Christians—along with Arab Christians throughout the region.
  • America’s evangelical Christians are cheering Trump’s deal with the devil of enabling Netanyahu and his brood of bloodthirsty butchers to expand Israel’s continuing criminal conduct of stealing people’s land, bulldozing people’s homes, imprisoning people’s families, shooting children in the head for sport, walling in, starving and denying water and electricity to entire communities and wreaking havoc and violence upon the entire Middle East.
  • Combined with the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, the Six Day War in 1967 was interpreted by prophecy preachers nationwide as a sign from Heaven. Israel’s victory was called a “miracle.” Of course, the REAL miracle during the Israeli act of aggression and land confiscation of 1967 was the divine intervention that kept the USS Liberty afloat on June 8. But that didn’t fit in with the Scofield prophecy preachers’ theology, so that miracle was never mentioned.
  • There is no reasoning with these prophecy zealots. There is no use quoting the Declaration of Independence, Constitution or Bill of Rights. There is no such thing as Natural Law, International Law or the Law of Nations with them. America’s Founding Fathers and founding documents are completely irrelevant, as are honesty, integrity, morality and humility. None of it matters.
  • Old Testament Israel has been reborn; a third Jewish temple MUST be rebuilt; the Mosaic feasts, festivals, new moons, rites, ordinances, commandments, sacrifices and sabbaths MUST be reinstituted. Donald Trump is “The Chosen One.” He is “God’s Anointed.” Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Nikki Haley are the new Holy Trinity. And Robert Jeffress, Jerry Falwell Jr., John Hagee, Kenneth Copeland, Paula White and Franklin Graham—along with Trump’s myriad “spiritual advisors”—are the new Kingdom Prophets who sit at the King’s table.

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