Boosting Self-Esteem

In addition to attributional style, a related issue that has been studied is self-esteem. Children with relatively high self-esteem typically exhibit related positive attributes. They tend to try new things more frequently. They tend to be more flexible thinkers and better problem solvers. When they fail—and we all do—they are more likely to attribute the failure to the situation and less to their own inabilities.

Studies have consistently shown benefits from self-esteem–boosting procedures. The benefits have been quite variable, ranging from improvements in children’s sense of satisfaction and happiness to improvements in schoolwork. Some studies have found that physical health improves, as well.  The most effective procedures have typically aimed directly at the child’s self-concept. Not every child draws his or her self-esteem from schoolwork. Some may be good at athletics, or art, or music.  Parents should help their children find at least one activity that the children truly enjoy doing and from which they can draw a sense of self-satisfaction.

Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids Who Thrive

P. Vishton

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. ~ 3 John 4

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