16: Building a Movement Pt 2

Johnson outlines what we can do in this final section of this chapter.  So much of this is the work of nature and instinct right now, but if it is to amount to the actual protection and preservation of Whites there is a long way to go.  If we can just hold our ground.

These lessons are part of a wider study seeking to answer a timely but age old question:

Psalms 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

God set boundaries to protect us from evil. Underneath each boundary lays a foundation. When evil men redefine biological sex (Gen 1:27), they strike at that foundation. When evil men redefine marriage (Gen 2:23-24), they strike at that foundation. When evil men redefine nation (Gen 10:5), they strike at that foundation. When the footing is shattered, people lose hope and become easy prey to evil forces.

When God freed the sons of Israel from Egypt (Ex 1:1) He continued His promise to make them into a nation (Gen 12:1-2). He taught them as they marched through the desert to the Promised Land. He gave them their first lessons on nationhood. He reminded them of their history and origin. In the first 11 chapters, and of first importance, were the definitions of nation, marriage, and biological sex. From chapter 12 on, to the end of the New Testament, God persistently impressed these definitions upon His chosen, but deviant, people. His definitions were not contrary to the nature of things. This was His plan and means of bringing the world a Savior and conquering evil. What would have happened had He not held to these definitions or worked against His own laws of nature?

I hope to bring light upon these questions and others like them in this series of studies called What is a Nation? To explore this broader topic I will review a number of books, the first of which is The White Nationalist Manifesto by Greg Johnson. I will add some comments and study questions to each post to turn them into short 10-20 minute lessons. To go to the beginning of this series click here.

Margins To The Mainstream

How can white identity politics make its way from the margins to the mainstream? White Nationalists often debate “vanguardist” vs. “mainstreaming” approaches to politics. Vanguardists believe we have to lead the public to our views. Mainstreamers want to make our views closer to the public’s.

There are two things we can do to make our ideas more mainstream. We can change their substance, or we can change their style, i.e., the way we communicate them. Obviously, it is self-defeating to change the substance of our beliefs to fit the mainstream. Indeed, the whole point of our movement is to change the mainstream to fit our beliefs. The vanguardists are simply correct about this.

But although our core principles should be fixed and non-negotiable, we should be willing to be quite suave, supple, and pragmatic in the means by which we communicate them if we hope to convince the largest possible number of our people. In this, we have much to learn from the mainstreamers.

Four Political Absolutes

In my view, there are four political absolutes that White Nationalists cannot compromise on:

1.Europeans constitute a distinct race, the white race. Thus to be French or German or Swedish or Greek or Italian or Irish is also to be white. Whiteness is a necessary condition of being part of any European nation. Therefore, no non-racial form of civic, linguistic, cultural, or religious nationalism is sufficient to defend European peoples.
2.The white race is threatened with simple biological extinction, compared to which all other political issues are trivial distractions. White extinction, moreover, is the predictable result of political policies. So we are facing not just extinction but genocide. Only by recognizing the absolute and ultimately political nature of the threat can we define a real solution and create the necessary moral seriousness and urgency to implement it.
3.The only tenable solution to the threat of white extinction is White Nationalism: the creation of homogeneously white homelands for all white peoples, which will require moving borders and people.
4.Jews are a distinct people and belong in their own homeland. This last point is really a self-evident implication of the principle of ethnonationalism, but it needs to be spelled out because Jews wish to exist both in an ethnostate and as a diaspora. The organized Jewish community is also one of the principal architects of the policies we wish to change, and one of the main impediments to correcting them.

What We Can Do

How can White Nationalists change the whole of white society? We need to persuade as many of our people as possible of the points above. Then we need to mobilize them to change the political order.

To persuade as many whites as possible, we have to reach out to as many whites as possible. We need to convince whites from all walks of life: every age group, every social class, every religion, every ethnic group, every interest group, every subculture—everyone. We need to take stock of the full diversity of the white community. Then we need to craft a version of White Nationalism that appeals to every white constituency. White society is like a great coral reef, and White Nationalists need to colonize every niche with a customized version of our message.

Obviously, the best people to sell White Nationalism to every white subgroup are members of that group. Thus our movement must encompass the full diversity of our people, interact with and persuade the full diversity of our people, and then draw the whole of white society toward us.

It sounds impossible. But we know it is possible, because it has been actual. We don’t have to go too far back in the history of any European country before we find that the very ideas we advocate today were hegemonic.

Moreover, the historical moment has never been more receptive to white identity politics. More people are looking to us for answers than ever before. Thus we must develop new platforms, spokesmen, and messages to try to reach and convert them. And we must do it now, before the moment is lost.

So what can we do to accomplish this? How can we encompass such an immense and multifarious undertaking in a single movement?

To answer this, we need to make a distinction between hierarchical organizations and non-hierarchical social networks. The existing White Nationalist movement has many organizations, and would-be organizations, with internal hierarchies: leaders and followers, employers and employees. But these organizations are not the movement. They are mere nodes in a vast non-hierarchical network of organizations and individuals, which is the true movement.

This movement was not created and guided by some mastermind. Instead, it coalesced out of many independent voices that created platforms for themselves or colonized existing ones. Moreover, the growth of our movement has far more to do with the failures of multiculturalism than our own efforts at propaganda and organization. Events are arguing in our favor better than we are.

Again, we must always remember that some things are in our power, and some are not. None of us has the power to organize the movement from the top down. But all of us have the power to help the movement flourish from the bottom up, if we can discover and follow rules of behavior that will allow our movement to grow in power and influence, until it can turn the world around. This is the topic of the next chapter.

Click on the "The White Nationalist Manifesto" tag below to see all the posts in this series. To go to the start of this series click here.

Questions & Notes

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