MacArthur, without question, was demonic. MacArthur and the efforts of the demons behind him were clearly laid out to establish a world government. MacArthur wanted to rule the world. He said that over and over again. In fact, he kept talking about setting up a super race of men who would rule the world. He was totally controlled by demons.

Now, maybe you’re thinking, “Hold on, what’s going on here? This doesn’t sound like the MacArthur I’ve heard of.” And I’m glad you’re questioning it. That’s the kind of thinking that keeps people honest. It’s easy to fall for big claims, especially when they’re delivered with confidence. I know because I fell for them once, back in the ’80s. I ate up everything MacArthur said without looking deeper, without asking questions. But here’s the truth: wisdom doesn’t come easy, and it doesn’t come quick. Do you remember this proverb?

Proverbs 18:17 The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him.

That’s how it is with all things. Always take time to listen to the other side.

Consider more what this proverb means. This statement advises caution in making judgments based solely on the first account or argument presented. It suggests that one should be willing to do the following:

1.Listen carefully to all sides before making a decision: The proverb implies that the initial presentation of a case might seem convincing or persuasive. However, wisdom lies in withholding judgment until all parties have had the opportunity to present their perspectives.
2.Engage in critical thinking and examination: The proverb advocates for a thorough examination of the facts and arguments. This involves questioning, analyzing, and evaluating the information presented rather than accepting claims at face value.
3.Seek additional information or clarification: In the context of a dispute or debate, this may involve asking questions, conducting research, or seeking expert opinions to gain a fuller understanding of the situation.
4.Be open to changing one’s initial assessment: This proverb suggests that new information or perspectives can alter the understanding of a situation. Being willing to adjust one’s opinion in light of new evidence is a key aspect of applying this proverb.
5.Avoid hasty judgments: The proverb warns against the temptation to make quick decisions based on partial information. It advocates patience and thoroughness in the pursuit of truth and justice.

In essence, applying Proverbs 18:17 in practical terms means committing to a fair, thorough, and unbiased approach to understanding and resolving disputes or disagreements, recognizing that the first impression or argument may not always provide the full picture.

Now, in this sermon you will hear MacArthur make a point about Satan by making some claims about Hitler that seem right in a world that has conditioned everybody to believe them. But, when you examine them more closely, you find they are just more lies. So, MacArthur bolsters a narrative that actually furthers Satan’s agenda far more than his claim that this is what Hitler was doing. A counterfeit (a teacher assuring you he is telling you the truth) is far more dangerous than a man foaming at the mouth in hysteria saying he wants to rule the world. And if I may borrow the words of MacArthur, “Here was Satan tremendously, tremendously involved in attempting to take over a world government.”  

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.

We must not be surprised by this. Am I now saying we have nothing to gain by this sermon? No. There is much to learn from today’s teaching. MacArthur is teaching the Bible and using some illustrations to do that. His use of Hitler as an illustration was a poor illustration, but his point is taken. That’s all I am saying. And I’m using this occasion to practice discernment by adding new material for you to consider. This will make this post rather long, so I have broken it up into two parts. So, take your time and work your way through each part with care and wisdom. Eat the fruit and spit out the seeds. Keep in mind the need to be discerning. And when you’re feeling unsure, listen to Jesus.  Remember to trust Him. He’s the way, the truth, and the life. His light never goes out. He’s enough. And He will always be here. Follow Him and you will eventually walk into truth.

Luke 8:18 “So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him.”

Luke 18:8 “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

Matthew 24:24 “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.

As we all know and are fully aware, deception runs thick in our day. Therefore, it is important for us to commit to a fair, thorough, and unbiased approach to understanding. Recognize that first impressions may not always provide the full picture. Listen carefully to all sides before making a decision. Engage in critical thinking.

Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you.
2 Peter 1:5-11


The sermon “The Destruction of the Nations, Part 2” delves into the prophetic themes surrounding the end times, particularly focusing on the tribulation period following the rapture of the church. It outlines the historical and theological significance of various nations and their roles during this tumultuous time, emphasizing the emergence of a satanic world leader, often referred to as the Antichrist. The sermon discusses how Satan has consistently attempted to thwart God’s plan throughout history by targeting the line of the Messiah, from Biblical accounts in Genesis to Herod’s massacre of infants. The sermon also highlights key attributes of this Antichrist figure, including his intellectual prowess, oratory skills, political acumen, commercial strategies, military genius, and religious influence. Ultimately, it presents a narrative of ongoing spiritual warfare between God and Satan, culminating in a climactic struggle during the tribulation.


I.Introduction to Prophecy
A.Overview of prophetic themes
B.Focus on the tribulation period
II.The Role of Nations in Tribulation
A.Examination of nations’ significance
B.Introduction of the Antichrist
III.Satan’s Historical Attempts to Thwart God’s Plan
A.Corruption of humanity (Genesis 6)
B.Pharaoh’s decree in Egypt
C.Athaliah’s massacre of royal seed
D.The plot against Jews in Esther
E.Herod’s infanticide
IV.The Characteristics of the Antichrist
A.Intellectual genius
B.Outstanding orator
C.Master politician
D.Commercial wizard
E.Military genius
F.Religious leader
A.Summary of ongoing spiritual warfare
B.Implications for future events during tribulation


Test Your Knowledge

Scrolling down slowly will hide the answer until you can make your choice.

1.What is the primary focus of the sermon?

A) The history of Israel

B) The tribulation period and the antichrist

C) The life of Jesus

D) The teachings of Paul

Answer: B)


2.According to the sermon, what does the proverb “He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword” imply?

A) Violence is justified in all circumstances

B) Tyranny contains the seeds of its own destruction

C) Peace is unattainable

D) The saints should take up arms

Answer: B)


3.Who is described as a prime example of an antichrist in the sermon?

A) Moses

B) Judas

C) David

D) Solomon

Answer: B)


4.What does the sermon suggest about the fate of the saints during the tribulation?

A) They will be completely protected

B) They will face persecution but ultimately prevail

C) They will be taken to heaven immediately

D) They will be powerless

Answer: B)


5.What is the significance of the “stone cut out without hands” mentioned in the sermon?

A) It represents human effort

B) It symbolizes Christ’s intervention in history

C) It indicates the end of the world

D) It refers to a historical event

Answer: B)


6.What is one characteristic of the Antichrist mentioned in the sermon?

A) He is a pacifist.

B) He is an intellectual genius.

C) He is a humble servant.

D) He is a traditionalist.

Answer: B)


7.Which Biblical figure attempted to destroy all royal seed according to Chronicles?

A) Pharaoh

B) Herod

C) Athaliah

D) Nebuchadnezzar

Answer: C)


8.What event marks the beginning of “the great tribulation” according to Revelation?

A) The return of Christ.

B) The rapture of the church.

C) The demons being cast down to earth.

D) The establishment of peace.

Answer: C)


9.What did Satan use to try to corrupt humanity before Noah’s flood?

A) Natural disasters.

B) Demons cohabiting with women.

C) Wars among nations.

D) Economic collapse.

Answer: B)


10.How does Revelation describe the Antichrist’s rise to power?

A) Through military conquest.

B) By flattery and deception.

C) Through divine intervention.

D) By democratic election.

Answer: B)


Listen & Read Along

See the full transcript and listen to this sermon here:

1331 Sep 30, 1973

Study Guide



In this two part lesson, the following questions will be addressed:




How does the concept of “the times of the nations” influence our understanding of Israel’s history?


How does the preacher connect historical events with prophetic themes regarding the Antichrist?


In what ways does the sermon connect historical figures like Hitler to the characteristics of the antichrist?


What role does patience play in the lives of believers during times of tyranny and persecution?


What assurances does the sermon offer regarding God’s sovereignty in the face of evil?


How does the concept of “the times of the nations” shape our understanding of Biblical prophecy?


In what ways does Satan attempt to disrupt God’s plan throughout Biblical history?


What are the key characteristics attributed to the Antichrist, and how do they reflect his role during the tribulation?


What implications does this study have for contemporary believers regarding spiritual warfare?


Study Questions

What role does patience play in the lives of believers during times of tyranny and persecution?

Patience plays a crucial role in the lives of believers during times of tyranny and persecution, serving several important functions:

1.Trust in God’s Sovereignty: Patience allows believers to maintain their faith in God’s ultimate control over history. In the face of oppression, they can trust that God is aware of their suffering and has a divine plan that will ultimately prevail. This trust fosters a sense of peace and assurance, even amidst chaos.
2.Endurance Through Trials: The ability to be patient helps believers endure hardships without losing hope. It encourages them to persevere through difficult circumstances, knowing that their struggles are temporary and that God is refining their character through these trials. This endurance is often seen as a testament to their faith.
3.Witness to Others: Patience in the face of persecution can serve as a powerful witness to others. When believers respond to tyranny with grace and steadfastness, it can draw attention to their faith and inspire others to seek the same hope and strength found in Christ. Their patience can reflect the love and peace of God, even in dire situations.
4.Preparation for Christ’s Return: The sermon emphasizes that believers are called to be patient as they await the return of Christ. This anticipation encourages them to remain faithful and vigilant, knowing that their ultimate deliverance is assured. Patience becomes a form of active waiting, where believers continue to live out their faith while looking forward to God’s promises.
5.Spiritual Growth: Patience is often linked to spiritual maturity. As believers practice patience, they grow in their understanding of God’s timing and purpose. This growth can lead to deeper faith, greater reliance on God, and a more profound ability to love and serve others, even those who may oppose them.

In summary, patience is a vital aspect of the believer’s life during times of tyranny and persecution, enabling them to trust in God’s sovereignty, endure trials, witness to others, prepare for Christ’s return, and grow spiritually. It reinforces the idea that, despite present suffering, God is working all things for good and that His ultimate plan will be fulfilled.


What assurances does the sermon offer regarding God’s sovereignty in the face of evil?

The sermon offers several assurances regarding God’s sovereignty in the face of evil, emphasizing His ultimate control over history and the unfolding of His divine plan. Here are the key points highlighted:

1.God’s Control Over History: The sermon reassures believers that God is actively governing the course of history, even amidst the rise of evil leaders and oppressive regimes. It emphasizes that no matter how powerful or tyrannical a figure may seem, they are ultimately under God’s authority and cannot thwart His plans.
2.The Temporary Nature of Evil: It underscores that while evil may appear to have the upper hand for a time, it is temporary. The sermon points out that God’s judgment will come, and evil will be defeated. This assurance provides hope that current suffering and tyranny will not last forever.
3.Fulfillment of Prophecy: The sermon highlights that Biblical prophecies, such as those found in the book of Daniel, accurately predict the rise and fall of empires and the eventual establishment of God’s kingdom. This fulfillment of prophecy serves as a testament to God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, reassuring believers that He is in control.
4.The Role of Patience: Believers are encouraged to practice patience and trust in God’s timing. The sermon suggests that patience is a form of active faith, allowing believers to endure trials while waiting for God’s ultimate intervention and the return of Christ.
5.God’s Justice: The sermon emphasizes that God’s justice will ultimately prevail. It reassures believers that those who oppose God and persecute His people will face judgment. This promise of divine justice provides comfort and encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith.
6.The Assurance of Christ’s Return: The sermon concludes with the assurance that Jesus Christ will return to establish His kingdom, bringing an end to evil and suffering. This future hope reinforces the belief that God is sovereign and that His ultimate plan will be realized.

In summary, the sermon offers strong assurances regarding God’s sovereignty by affirming His control over history, the temporary nature of evil, the fulfillment of prophecy, the importance of patience, the certainty of divine justice, and the promise of Christ’s return. These assurances encourage believers to remain faithful and hopeful, even in the face of adversity.


How does the concept of “the times of the nations” shape our understanding of Biblical prophecy?

The concept of “the times of the nations” significantly shapes our understanding of Biblical prophecy by framing the historical and spiritual context in which God’s plans unfold. This term refers to the period during which Jerusalem is dominated by foreign powers, beginning around 60 B.C. and continuing until the second coming of Christ. It highlights the sovereignty of God over human history, illustrating how nations rise and fall according to His divine will.

Understanding this concept allows believers to see the prophetic writings, particularly in books like Daniel, as not merely historical accounts but as part of a larger narrative that reveals God’s ultimate purpose for Israel and the world. It emphasizes that, despite the apparent chaos and tyranny of nations, God is orchestrating events toward a predetermined conclusion where His kingdom will be established. This perspective encourages believers to remain steadfast in faith, knowing that God’s plan will ultimately prevail, even amidst the trials and tribulations that characterize this age. Thus, “the times of the nations” serves as a reminder of God’s control over history and the assurance of His eventual triumph over evil.


In what ways does Satan attempt to disrupt God’s plan throughout Biblical history?

Satan attempts to disrupt God’s plan throughout Biblical history through various strategies aimed at undermining the promised lineage of the Messiah and attacking God’s people. Key methods include:

1.Corruption of Humanity: In Genesis 6, Satan attempts to corrupt the human race by having fallen angels (referred to as “sons of God”) cohabit with human women, leading to a race that was beyond redemption. This act prompted God to send the flood, preserving only Noah and his family, thus thwarting Satan’s plan temporarily.
2.Pharaoh’s Decree: During the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt, Pharaoh ordered the slaughter of all Hebrew baby boys in an effort to eliminate the potential for a deliverer who would lead them out of bondage. This was another attempt by Satan to destroy the line that would eventually lead to Christ.
3.Athaliah’s Massacre: In Chronicles, Athaliah sought to eliminate all royal descendants of Judah after her son Ahaziah’s death, aiming to cut off the line of David from which the Messiah would come. However, one infant, Joash, was hidden and preserved by Jehoshabeath.
4.Haman’s Plot in Esther: In the book of Esther, Haman devised a plan to annihilate the Jewish people, which would have ended the messianic line. However, God intervened through Queen Esther and King Xerxes, leading to Haman’s downfall and the salvation of the Jews.
5.Herod’s Infanticide: At Jesus’ birth, King Herod ordered the massacre of all male infants in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the newborn Messiah. Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt with Jesus, thus preserving His life.
6.Temptation of Christ: After Jesus began His ministry, Satan directly tempted Him in the wilderness, seeking to divert Him from His mission. Each temptation was designed to undermine His authority and purpose.
7.Ongoing Spiritual Warfare: The sermon also highlights that Satan continues his attacks against God’s people and plans today, suggesting that his efforts will intensify during the tribulation period with a final attempt to thwart God’s redemptive plan through a powerful world leader known as the Antichrist.

Through these historical events, Satan has consistently sought to thwart God’s promises and plans for redemption but has ultimately failed each time due to God’s sovereignty and intervention.


What are the key characteristics attributed to the Antichrist, and how do they reflect his role during the tribulation?

The Antichrist is characterized by several key traits that reflect his significant role during the tribulation period:

1.Intellectual Genius: The Antichrist is depicted as possessing exceptional intelligence, symbolized by “eyes” in prophetic literature, which represent insight and understanding. This intellectual prowess allows him to devise complex strategies and manipulate situations to his advantage, making him a formidable leader during tumultuous times.
2.Outstanding Orator: He is described as a powerful speaker who can sway the masses with his rhetoric. His ability to communicate effectively enables him to gain followers and consolidate power, appealing to the desires and fears of people during the chaos of the tribulation.
3.Master Politician: The Antichrist is portrayed as a shrewd politician who rises to power through flattery and deceit rather than through traditional means of conquest. His political acumen allows him to navigate alliances and conflicts, ultimately leading him to dominate the global stage.
4.Commercial Wizard: He exhibits remarkable skills in commerce and economics, establishing a vast materialistic empire. This trait reflects his ability to manipulate economic systems, creating wealth and prosperity that further solidifies his control over nations.
5.Military Genius: The Antichrist is also a military strategist capable of conquering nations and expanding his influence through warfare. His military might is essential for enforcing his rule and suppressing any opposition during the tribulation.
6.Religious Leader: He assumes a religious role, demanding worship from the world and positioning himself as the ultimate authority in spiritual matters. This culminates in setting himself up in the temple as the sole object of worship, thereby leading people away from true faith.

These characteristics illustrate how the Antichrist embodies Satan’s climactic effort to establish dominion over the world, attempting to thwart God’s plan for redemption during the tribulation. His multifaceted abilities make him a central figure in this period, influencing politics, economics, military strategies, and religious practices on a global scale.


What implications does this study have for contemporary believers regarding spiritual warfare?

The study of spiritual warfare, particularly in the context of the tribulation and the role of the Antichrist, has significant implications for contemporary believers. Here are several key takeaways:

1.Awareness of Spiritual Conflict: Believers are reminded that spiritual warfare is an ongoing reality. The historical attempts by Satan to thwart God’s plans serve as a warning that similar tactics may be employed today. Understanding this helps believers remain vigilant against spiritual deception and attacks on their faith.
2.Understanding the Nature of the Enemy: The characteristics attributed to the Antichrist—intellectual prowess, oratory skills, political manipulation, and religious influence—highlight the multifaceted nature of evil. This understanding encourages believers to discern the motivations behind worldly leaders and ideologies that may oppose Biblical truth.
3.Encouragement in Trials: The historical examples of God’s faithfulness in preserving His people throughout attempts by Satan to destroy them provide hope and encouragement. Believers can find strength in knowing that God remains sovereign and will ultimately triumph over evil, even in times of great tribulation.
4.Call to Spiritual Preparedness: The study emphasizes the importance of being spiritually prepared for challenges ahead. Believers are encouraged to deepen their understanding of Scripture, engage in prayer, and cultivate spiritual resilience to withstand potential trials and temptations.
5.Role of the Church: The church is depicted as a critical player in spiritual warfare. As believers await Christ’s return, they are called to actively participate in spreading the Gospel and standing firm against false teachings and societal pressures that may arise during turbulent times.
6.Hope for Redemption: Finally, understanding the ultimate victory of Christ over Satan reassures believers that regardless of current struggles or future tribulations, God’s redemptive plan will prevail. This hope motivates believers to remain faithful and steadfast in their faith.

In summary, this study encourages contemporary believers to recognize the reality of spiritual warfare, understand their enemy’s tactics, prepare themselves spiritually, and hold onto hope amidst trials, all while actively participating in God’s mission on Earth.

To see all the lessons in this series click on the 197Prophecy tag below.


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