Daily Archives: February 2, 2025
14 The Destruction Of The Nations 4
In 1973, when this sermon was delivered, there were no walls around Israel. The prophecy in Ezekiel mentions a future day when Israel dwells in safety “without walls.” This leads the preacher to express a heightened expectation of the return of Christ. But 50 years later, there is a significant wall. The building of the West Bank barrier, a separation barrier along the Green Line and inside parts of the West Bank, was started around 2000. This wall puts a damper on the expectation of the soon and coming King. Does Israel dwell in safety today?
I believe this wall and lack of safety for Israel rains on the parade of those expecting His soon return; This uncertainty is as it should be (see 1 Thess 5:1-3). In my opinion, tying current events, especially before the Rapture, only leads to disappointment. When you least expect the return of Christ is probably when you should most expect the return of Christ.
The article explores the prophetic alignment and war of nations leading to Armageddon, emphasizing the involvement of major world powers in relation to Israel. It discusses the sequence of events following the rapture, the tribulation period, and the final great battle. Key points include the role of the Antichrist, the rise of a revived Roman Empire, the invasion of Israel by northern (Russia) and southern (Egyptian-Arab) forces, and the emergence of an eastern army. Ultimately, the article highlights the second coming of Christ, who will defeat these forces and establish His millennial reign. The study concludes with an exhortation to faithfulness and evangelism in light of these coming events.
Questions Asked in the Article
1.How is the world going to end?
2.How will the final battle unfold?
3.What is the sequence of events in the tribulation?
4.What does the Bible say about Russia in prophecy?
5.Who is the Antichrist and what role does he play?
6.What is the significance of the revived Roman Empire?
7.Why do the nations converge on Israel?
8.How does Satan attempt to thwart God’s plan?
9.What happens to those who refuse to worship the Antichrist?
10.What is the fate of believers and unbelievers in the end times?
11.What should we do in light of these prophetic warnings?
Test Your Knowledge
Scrolling down slowly will hide the answer until you can make your choice.
1.What event marks the end of the church age?
A.The Second Coming of Christ
B.The Rapture
C.The Battle of Armageddon
D.The establishment of the millennial kingdom
Answer: B
2.According to the article, which nation is believed to be the northern invader in Ezekiel 38?
D.United States
Answer: C
3.What happens to the Antichrist after the battle of Armageddon?
A.He repents and is saved
B.He is killed in battle
C.He is cast alive into the lake of fire
D.He rules for another thousand years
Answer: C
4.How long does it take for Israel to bury the dead from the northern invasion?
A.Three weeks
B.Seven months
C.One year
D.Forty days
Answer: B
5.What is the primary call to action at the end of the article?
A.To study biblical prophecy more deeply
B.To evangelize and live faithfully in light of Christ’s return
C.To prepare for global conflicts
D.To establish a Christian political movement
Answer: B
6.What event marks the end of the church age?
A.The tribulation
B.The rapture
D.Christ’s return
Answer: B
7.How long is the period known as the “times of the gentiles”?
A.7 years
B.1000 years
C.From 600 B.C. to Christ’s return
D.3.5 years
Answer: C
8.What is the duration of the covenant made between the Antichrist and Israel?
A.3.5 years
B.7 years
C.1000 years
D.70 weeks
Answer: B
9.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a title for the Antichrist?
A.The little horn
B.The king of fierce countenance
C.The prince of peace
D.The beast
Answer: C
10.How many major powers are described as existing during the tribulation?
Answer: C
Listen & Read Along
See the full transcript and listen to this sermon here:
A.The focus on prophecy and global events
B.Current world conflicts as precursors to biblical prophecy
II.The Tribulation and the Nations
A.The church age and the rapture.
B.The tribulation as a time of judgment.
C.The distinction between Jews, Gentiles, and the believing remnant.
III.The Times, Ruler, and Religion of the Nations
A.The times of the Gentiles ruling over Israel.
B.The Antichrist as the final world leader.
C.The rise of a false, ecumenical religion.
IV.The Alignment and War of Nations
A.The four major powers: west (revived Roman Empire), north (Russia), south (Egypt/Arab nations), east (Asian coalition).
B.Satan’s strategy to destroy God’s people.
C.The sequence of military conflicts leading to Armageddon.
V.The War of Armageddon
A.The initial conflicts and escalating battles
B.The invasion from the north (Russia) and its destruction
C.The southern army’s advance (Egypt and Arab states)
D.The eastern force (200-million-man army) joining the war
VI.The Return of Christ and His Victory
A.Christ’s arrival to destroy the armies.
B.The complete defeat of the Antichrist and the nations.
C.The judgment of the wicked.
VII.Aftermath and Application
A.Satan’s binding and the millennial reign of Christ.
B.The call for repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
C.A final exhortation for Christians to evangelize.
Study Guide
In this lesson, the following questions will be addressed:
Study Questions
According to the article, the alignment of nations leading to Armageddon follows a prophetic sequence where four major world powers—each designated in relation to Israel—engage in escalating conflict during the tribulation. The sequence unfolds as follows:
1.The Revived Roman Empire (West) – The Antichrist rises to power over a ten-nation confederacy (Daniel 7:7-8, 24; Revelation 13:1), securing a covenant with Israel (Daniel 9:27) and establishing a temporary world peace.
2.The Northern Power (Russia) Invades – Russia, identified as Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39), forms an alliance with Persia (Iran), Cush (Ethiopia), Put (Libya), and Gomer (Germany) to attack Israel. However, God supernaturally destroys this invading army with earthquakes, hail, fire, and infighting. This solidifies the Antichrist’s power.
3.The Southern Power (Egypt/Arab Nations) Attacks – Egypt and its Arab allies, described as the king of the south (Daniel 11:40), rise against the Antichrist. At the same time, a regrouped Russian force (king of the north) joins the conflict, leading to widespread war.
4.The Eastern Power (China and Allies) Advances – The kings of the east (Revelation 9:16; 16:12) mobilize a 200-million-man army, crossing the dried-up Euphrates River to join the war.
5.The Final Convergence at Armageddon – As these armies gather in the Valley of Megiddo, they initially fight each other but ultimately unite against Christ at His return (Revelation 16:16; 19:19).
The alignment of these powers reflects Satan’s last attempt to destroy Israel and prevent Christ’s reign. However, Jesus returns in glory, defeats all the nations, and establishes His kingdom, fulfilling God’s sovereign plan.
According to the article, the Antichrist plays a dominant role in the tribulation as the final world ruler who unifies nations under his control, opposes God, and ultimately meets his destruction at Christ’s return. His role includes:
1.Rise to Power (Daniel 7, 9; Revelation 6, 13) – The Antichrist emerges as the leader of a revived Roman Empire, forming a ten-nation confederacy. He secures a covenant with Israel for seven years (Daniel 9:27), promising protection and establishing a false peace.
2.Midpoint Betrayal and Global Domination (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13) – At the halfway point of the tribulation, he breaks his covenant with Israel, desecrates the Jewish temple, and declares himself to be God. He demands global worship, destroys false religion, and enforces the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-17).
3.Military Supremacy and the War of Nations – Following the destruction of Russia’s invasion (Ezekiel 38-39), the world perceives the Antichrist as invincible (“Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” – Revelation 13:4). He faces further challenges from the king of the south (Egypt/Arab states) and the kings of the east (Revelation 16:12-16), leading to a global conflict at Armageddon.
4.Final Confrontation and Defeat (Revelation 19:19-20) – The Antichrist gathers the world’s armies to fight against Christ at Armageddon, but Jesus returns, defeats him, and casts him alive into the Lake of Fire.
In summary, the Antichrist serves as Satan’s instrument to deceive, rule, and persecute, but his reign is ultimately short-lived and ends in divine judgment.
According to the article, Russia is identified as the northern power in biblical prophecy primarily based on Ezekiel 38-39, which describes an invasion of Israel by a great power from the “uttermost parts of the north.” The key scriptural evidence includes:
1.Ezekiel 38:2-6 – This passage names Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, as the leader of a coalition attacking Israel. Some scholars associate “Rosh” with Russia, while Meshech and Tubal are linked to regions in modern Russia.
2.Ezekiel 38:15; 39:2 – These verses explicitly state that this invasion force will come “from the uttermost parts of the north” (KJV: “out of the north parts”). Since Russia is directly north of Israel and extends far beyond Turkey, it fits this geographical description.
3.Ezekiel 38:8, 11 – These verses describe Israel as living in safety in unwalled villages, a condition associated with the early years of the tribulation when the Antichrist establishes a temporary peace.
4.Ezekiel 38:21-23; 39:3-6 – These passages detail God’s supernatural destruction of this invading army, which aligns with the belief that Russia will suffer divine judgment in the end times.
The article also notes historical and geopolitical factors, such as Russia’s rapid rise as a world power post-World War II and its ongoing involvement in Middle Eastern affairs, which align with this prophetic framework.
According to the article, the destruction of the nations during the tribulation ultimately leads to Christ’s return by fulfilling God’s prophetic plan and demonstrating His sovereign judgment. The sequence of events is as follows:
1.The Nations Align Against Israel – Throughout the tribulation, major world powers (west, north, south, and east) engage in war, with Israel at the center (Ezekiel 38-39; Daniel 11:40-45). The final battle, Armageddon, sees these armies converge in an attempt to destroy Israel and take control of the land (Revelation 16:16).
2.Satan’s Plan to Destroy God’s Kingdom – The Antichrist, empowered by Satan, uses military conquest and deception to consolidate global power. He eliminates rivals, demands worship, and persecutes believers (Revelation 13:5-8). His goal is to wipe out the Jews and any who remain faithful to Christ, preventing the establishment of God’s earthly kingdom.
3.God’s Judgment on the Nations – As the armies gather, God intervenes supernaturally (Ezekiel 38:19-23). He sends earthquakes, hail, fire, and confusion among the armies, causing them to turn on one another (Zechariah 14:13). The scale of destruction is catastrophic, with blood flowing for 200 miles, up to the horse’s bridle (Revelation 14:20).
4.Christ’s Triumphant Return – At the climax of this global war, the heavens open and Jesus returns on a white horse with the armies of heaven (Revelation 19:11-14). He defeats the Antichrist and his forces with the Word of His mouth, casting the Antichrist and False Prophet into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:19-21).
5.Establishment of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom – With the nations destroyed, Satan is bound for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1-3), and Christ establishes His righteous rule on earth. This marks the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel and the restoration of His kingdom.
The destruction of the nations serves God’s purpose of judgment while paving the way for Christ’s reign of righteousness. The article emphasizes that this should motivate believers to place their faith in Christ and evangelize while there is still time.
According to the article, the author suggests several practical lessons for believers in light of these prophetic events:
1.Be Spiritually Prepared – Since the tribulation and Christ’s return are certain, believers should ensure they are walking in faith and living in holiness (2 Peter 3:11). The knowledge of coming judgment should motivate believers to live righteously and obediently to God.
2.Trust in God’s Sovereignty – Despite the chaos in the world, believers should have confidence in God’s control over history. The fulfillment of prophecy proves that God’s Word is true, and His plan will unfold exactly as He has declared.
3.Be Faithful in Evangelism – The destruction of the nations and coming judgment highlight the urgency of sharing the gospel. Believers should be actively warning others and leading people to Christ so they can escape God’s wrath and receive salvation (2 Corinthians 5:11).
4.Avoid Deception and False Security – The Antichrist will deceive many with false promises of peace and prosperity. Believers must remain grounded in Scripture, discerning truth from deception, and not be swayed by worldly ideologies or false religions (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).
5.Live with an Eternal Perspective – Understanding that this world is temporary should encourage believers to prioritize eternal things rather than being consumed by materialism, worldly success, or fear of current events. Instead, they should focus on God’s kingdom, His righteousness, and His mission (Matthew 6:33).
The article emphasizes that knowledge of end-time prophecy should not lead to fear but to faithful living, urgency in evangelism, and a deeper trust in Christ. Believers should stay spiritually alert and use their time wisely in preparation for the Lord’s return.
The author relates current events in the Middle East to biblical prophecy in several ways:
1.He notes that the recent conflict between Israel and Arab nations (Egypt, Syria, and Jordan) aligns with prophetic expectations of end-times conflicts centered around Israel.
2.The involvement of major powers, particularly Russia, in supporting the Arab nations against Israel is seen as significant. The author views this as a preview or foreshadowing of the future battle of Armageddon.
3.While emphasizing that current events are not part of the final tribulation battles (which occur after the rapture of the church), the author suggests that the current alignment of nations shows they are moving into the right configuration for those future prophetic events.
4.The author sees the focus of world attention on the Middle East as directly related to God’s plan for the world, particularly regarding Israel’s central role in end-times prophecy.
5.He interprets these current conflicts as a smaller-scale version of the larger, more catastrophic wars prophesied to occur during the tribulation period, particularly the battle of Armageddon.
The author is careful to distinguish between current events and actual prophetic fulfillment, but he views the present situation as indicative of the world moving towards the prophesied end-times scenario.
According to the article, the “times of the gentiles” has significant importance in relation to Israel and world history:
1.Definition: It is a period during which gentile nations rule over the land of Israel.
2.Duration: It began around 600 B.C. and extends until the second coming of Christ, spanning approximately 2,600 years.
3.Scope: During this time, there is gentile rule in the promised land of Israel to varying degrees.
4.Biblical reference: The term was used by Christ Himself, giving it scriptural authority.
5.Historical context: It encompasses major periods of world history, including the rise and fall of empires that have controlled Israel.
6.Prophetic significance: The end of this period is tied to Christ’s return, marking a major shift in world governance and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
7.Current relevance: The article suggests that present-day events, particularly conflicts in the Middle East, are aligning nations in a configuration that foreshadows the end of this period.
8.Eschatological importance: Understanding this concept is crucial for interpreting end-times prophecies and the events leading up to the tribulation period.
The “times of the gentiles” thus serves as a framework for understanding God’s plan for Israel and the nations throughout history and into the prophesied future.
According to the article, the Antichrist plays several key roles in the events leading up to Armageddon:
1.He rises as the ruler of a revived Roman Empire, described as a ten-nation confederacy in Western Europe.
2.He makes a seven-year covenant with Israel, promising to protect them. This marks the beginning of the tribulation period.
3.For the first 3.5 years, he establishes a false world peace under his leadership.
4.At the midpoint of the tribulation (3.5 years in), his power is challenged, which leads to the outbreak of major conflicts.
5.He is described as an intellectual, military, economic, and religious genius who manages to unify the world under one government.
6.Initially, he uses a one-world false religious system, but later destroys it and sets himself up as the only one to be worshipped.
7.He persecutes those who refuse to take his mark, having them killed.
The article portrays the Antichrist as a central figure who initially brings false peace but ultimately leads the world into the final battle of Armageddon through his actions and the conflicts that arise in response to his rule.
According to the article, Satan attempts to hinder God’s purpose during the tribulation period in two main ways:
1.He tries to destroy the Jews: Satan aims to wipe out all the Jewish people, continuing his historical attempts to destroy God’s chosen people.
2.He attempts to slaughter everyone who names the name of Christ: The article mentions that those who refuse to take the mark of the beast will be killed.
The overall goal of Satan, as described in the article, is to destroy the kingdom of God by eliminating all potential subjects for the earthly millennium. By attempting to kill all Jews and Christians, Satan hopes to prevent Christ from having any followers when He returns to establish His kingdom.
The article states that Satan’s efforts culminate in bringing all the major world powers to converge on Israel, resulting in a massive bloodbath. However, the article notes that despite these attempts, Christ will still have subjects for His kingdom when He returns in glory and power.
According to the article, the four major powers that will exist during the tribulation and their relationship to Israel are:
1.West: This is described as the Revived Roman Empire, a ten-nation confederacy in Western Europe. It’s led by the Antichrist, who makes a covenant with Israel for seven years, initially offering protection.
2.North: The article doesn’t provide specific details about this power, but mentions that it “comes down” towards Israel during the conflict.
3.South: This power is described as coming “up” towards Israel during the war, but no further details are provided in the given excerpt.
4.East: The article mentions that the “east invades” as part of the final convergence on Israel.
All of these powers are described in geographical relation to Israel, which is portrayed as the center of these events. The article states that these major powers will ultimately converge on Israel in a final great conflict called Armageddon. This convergence results in a “bloodbath” in Israel, which is only ended by the return of Jesus Christ.
To see all the lessons in this series click on the 1973 Prophecy tag below.