My Study

Here is a growing number of studies I am doing to help me pursue God (Phil 3:12). I want to know Him (Jn 17:3) so that I become what He meant for me to be so I do what He meant for me to do (Gen 1:26-28; Matt 28:18-20). I will link to the first lesson of each series below.

As of 01/12/23 I have been focusing on Sanctification. You can see my list of books for this here.

Church History

From Constantine the Great to Gregory the Great (A.D. 311-590)

I’m very curious how Constantine managed the transition from heathenism in the empire to Christianity. This whole time period appears to me to be similar to what is happening today only in reverse!

Spiritual Growth

A Treatise of Self-Denial by Thomas Manton (1630-1677)
Growing In Christ
Keys To Spiritual Growth
The Joy of Discovery (How to study the Bible)

The Green Letters Series

  1. The Green Letters
  2. The Principle of Position
  3. The Ground of Growth
  4. The Reckoning That Counts
  5. Abide Above

The Best of My Brain