17 The Earthly Kingdom Of Jesus Christ Pt 2

Questions Asked in the Sermon

1.Can you imagine a world where justice always prevails?
2.Do you believe in a literal hell?
3.Do you believe that heaven is a literal place?
4.Why do people resist your witness?
5.How are people going to be judged?


The sermon explores the concept of Jesus Christ’s earthly kingdom, emphasizing six key aspects: the rule of the Son, the removal of the serpent (Satan), the reign of the saints, the return of Satan, the revolt of society, and the resurrection of sinners. It describes a future world where justice, righteousness, peace, and joy prevail under the perfect rulership of Jesus Christ. The sermon explains that during this millennial kingdom, Satan will be bound, allowing for a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity. However, at the end of this period, Satan will be released, leading a final rebellion against Christ. Following this, all the ungodly will be resurrected and judged at the great white throne judgment, after which they will face eternal damnation in The Lake Of Fire. Throughout, the sermon stresses the importance of faith in Jesus Christ to escape this fate.

Test Your Knowledge

Scrolling down slowly will hide the answer until you can make your choice.

1.What is the term used to describe the thousand-year reign of Christ?
B.b) Eternity
C.c) Tribulation
D.d) Apocalypse

Answer: A


2.Where is Satan imprisoned during the millennial kingdom?
A.Lake of Fire

Answer: C


3.According to the sermon, what happens immediately after the tribulation?
A.Satan is released
B.Christ returns to establish His kingdom
C.The final judgment occurs
D.The new heaven and earth are created

Answer: B


4.What is the fate of those whose names are not found in the book of life?
A.They enter the millennial kingdom
B.They are cast into The Lake Of Fire
C.They are given a second chance
D.They remain in Hades forever

Answer: B


5.Which group of people participates in the first resurrection?
A.All humanity
B.Only the ungodly
C.Only the saints
D.Both saints and sinners

Answer: C


6.According to the sermon, who will rule the earthly kingdom?
A.An angel from heaven
B.The saints of the church
C.Jesus Christ
D.The Ancient of Days

Answer: C


7.According to the sermon, the abyss is specifically for:
A.The souls of wicked men
B.The souls of all who have died
C.Bound demons
D.The Antichrist and False Prophet

Answer: C


8.According to the sermon, where were the dead prior to the Great White Throne Judgement?
A.The Lake Of Fire
C.The Abyss

Answer: D


9.According to the sermon, The Lake Of Fire is:
A.A temporary holding place
B.The final hell
C.Synonymous with the abyss
D.A place for demons

Answer: B


Listen & Read Along

See the full sermon and listen to this sermon here:

1336 Nov 18, 1973


A.The vision of a perfect world under Jesus Christ’s rule.
B.Skepticism about Jesus’s return and the nature of the kingdom.
II.Six Basic Points of the Kingdom (Revelation 19 & 20):
A.The Rule of the Son (Reviewed)
B.The Removal of the Serpent (Reviewed)
C.The Reign of the Saints
D.The Return of Satan
E.The Revolt of Society
F.The Resurrection of Sinners
III.The Rule of the Son:
A.Jesus’s arrival to establish His kingdom (Revelation 19:11-16, Matthew 24).
B.Universal and absolute rule (Psalm 2, Psalm 72).
C.A just kingdom (Isaiah 11:3-5).
IV.The Removal of the Serpent:
A.Satan’s control of the present world.
B.Binding of Satan in the abyss for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3).
C.Explanation of the abyss (bottomless pit) as a place for demons, not human souls.
V.Clarification of Terms:
A.Abyss vs. Lake of Fire:
1.The abyss is for demons (Luke 8:31, Revelation 9).
2.The Lake Of Fire is for the beast, false prophet, Devil, and ultimately, the unsaved (Revelation 19:20, 20:10, 20:13-15).
B.Sheol/Hades: The world of the dead with a good and bad compartment.

Study Guide

GTY STUDY GUIDE PDF – don’t forget to add the cover picture


In this lesson, the following questions will be addressed:

Study Questions

1.What are the characteristics of Christ’s rule during the millennial kingdom?

The sermon describes Christ’s rule during the millennial kingdom as having several key characteristics:

1.Universal: The reign of Christ will be over all nations and peoples. The sermon cites Psalm 2, which states that God will give Christ “the nations for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.”
2.Absolute: Christ’s rule will be total and without exception. The sermon references Psalm 72:10-11, which says “all kings shall fall down before him, all nations shall serve Him.”
3.Just: The kingdom will be characterized by perfect justice. Isaiah 11:3-5 is cited, describing how Christ will “judge the poor with righteousness” and “reprove with equity for the meek of the earth.”
4.Righteous: Righteousness and goodness will always prevail during this time.
5.Peaceful: There will be total and lasting peace.
6.Joyful: Joy will be the dominant attitude.
7.Healthy: Health will be so widespread that dying at 100 years old will be considered like dying as a child.
8.Harmonious: There will be harmony between animals and humans, with lions, lambs, bears, cows, and children all coexisting peacefully.
9.Prosperous: Agriculture will be highly effective, producing abundant food for all, even with a large population.

The sermon emphasizes that this will be a perfect world ruled by Christ, in contrast to the current world under Satan’s influence. It will be a literal, physical kingdom on earth where Christ reigns directly. And notice, there is never a push for globalism either.


2.What is the significance of Satan being bound during the thousand-year reign of Christ?

According to the sermon, the binding of Satan during the thousand-year reign of Christ has significant implications:

1.It removes Satan’s influence on a global scale: The sermon explains that while individual sin will still exist, Satan is the one who “organizes evil on a worldwide scale.” By binding Satan, God prevents sin from having a coordinated global impact during the millennium.
2.It demonstrates the power of Christ’s reign: Binding Satan shows Christ’s authority over all forces of evil and his ability to restrain them completely.
3.It creates an environment for righteousness to flourish: With Satan bound, there will be no organized opposition to Christ’s rule, allowing righteousness and peace to prevail throughout the earth.
4.It reveals the true nature of people: The sermon notes that some people born during the millennium may outwardly conform to Christ’s rule while inwardly remaining rebellious. By releasing Satan at the end, it exposes these hypocritical hearts.
5.It sets up the final demonstration of human depravity: The release of Satan leads to a final rebellion against Christ, showing that even after a thousand years of perfect conditions under Christ’s rule, many humans will still choose to rebel when given the chance.
6.It allows for the complete eradication of evil: After this final rebellion is judged, Satan is cast into The Lake Of Fire, marking the permanent end of his influence.

In essence, Satan’s binding is crucial for establishing the ideal conditions of Christ’s millennial reign, while his temporary release serves to expose remaining evil before its final destruction. This sequence demonstrates both the power of Christ’s kingdom and the persistent nature of human sinfulness apart from genuine transformation.


3.Explain the dual resurrections and their implications for believers and non-believers?

The sermon explains the dual resurrections and their implications for believers and non-believers as follows:

1.Two Separate Resurrections:
 The first resurrection is for believers (the godly).
 The second resurrection is for non-believers (the ungodly).
2.Timing of Resurrections:
 The first resurrection occurs before the millennial kingdom.
 The second resurrection occurs after the thousand-year reign of Christ.
3.Implications for Believers (First Resurrection):
 Believers are resurrected to reign with Christ during the millennium.
 They escape the “second death” (eternal damnation).
 Their names are written in the “book of life.”
 They have no fear of eternal punishment.
4.Implications for Non-Believers (Second Resurrection):
 Non-believers are resurrected bodily, despite being destined for eternal punishment.
 They face judgment at The Great White Throne.
 Their judgment is based on works, but salvation cannot be achieved through works alone.
 Those not found in the book of life are cast into The Lake Of Fire (the second death).
5.Nature of Judgment:
 God keeps a record of everyone’s deeds in “books.”
 Non-believers are judged according to these records.
 However, salvation can only come through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works.
6.Final Destination:
 Believers enter eternal life with Christ.
 Non-believers face eternal punishment in The Lake Of Fire.
7.Emphasis on Choice:
 The sermon stresses that people have a choice between eternal life with God or eternal separation from Him.
 It encourages listeners to choose wisely, emphasizing that hell is simply a permanent state of what one has chosen in life either with or without God.

The sermon presents this dual resurrection system as a clear distinction between the fates of believers and non-believers, urging listeners to make a decision for Christ to avoid the final judgment and secure their place in the first resurrection.


4.Explain how in a perfect environment, some people will still rebel against God?

The sermon suggests that even in a perfect environment, some people will still rebel against God due to the inherent depravity and sinfulness of human nature. This is illustrated through the events described during the millennial kingdom, where despite living in an ideal world ruled by Jesus Christ, some individuals—particularly those born during this period—will outwardly conform to Christ’s rule while inwardly remaining rebellious.

Here are the key reasons:

1.Inherent Depravity of Man: The sermon emphasizes that changing the environment does not change human nature. Even in a perfect setting, humans are still prone to sin and rebellion. The sermon argues against the notion that societal improvements, such as cleaning up slums, can eradicate crime or sin, stating that these only alter the form of disobedience rather than eliminating it.
2.Satan’s Role in Organizing Evil: While individual sin exists without Satan’s influence, he plays a crucial role in organizing evil on a global scale. During the millennium, Satan is bound, which prevents coordinated worldwide rebellion. However, when he is released at the end of the thousand years, he quickly finds willing followers among those whose hearts are still inclined toward rebellion.
3.Revealing True Character of Hypocrites: The release of Satan at the end of the millennium serves to reveal the true character of hypocritical individuals who have outwardly conformed to Christ’s rule but inwardly harbor rebellion. These people, born during the millennial kingdom, have never known anything but perfection and yet choose to follow Satan in his final rebellion.
4.Historical Precedent: The sermon draws parallels to historical instances where humanity rejected Christ despite His presence. It references Jesus’ first coming, where He was in their midst, yet many did not receive Him. This pattern suggests that even direct exposure to Christ’s presence does not guarantee acceptance or transformation.
5.Population Explosion and New Generations: The sermon speculates about the population explosion during the millennium, leading to new generations who might take the perfect conditions for granted and develop hardened hearts. Despite living in a golden age, they would still resist Christ, illustrating the depth of human depravity.
6.Final Rebellion: The ultimate demonstration of man’s persistent rebellion is seen in the massive uprising against Christ at the end of the millennium, orchestrated by Satan. This rebellion underscores the fact that sinners cannot be changed merely by altering their environment; their fundamental nature remains opposed to God.

In summary, the sermon posits that the persistence of rebellion against God, even in a perfect environment, highlights the deep-seated sinfulness of human nature and the necessity of genuine spiritual transformation through faith in Jesus Christ. It reinforces the theological perspective that external conditions do not determine one’s moral standing or inclination toward God; rather, it is the internal condition of the heart that ultimately dictates one’s response to divine authority.


5.What role does The Book Of Life play in the final judgment as described in the sermon?

According to the sermon, The Book Of Life plays a crucial role in the final judgment as described in Revelation 20. Here are the key points about The Book Of Life and its role in the final judgment:

1.Determining Eternal Destiny: The Book Of Life is used to determine who will be saved and who will face eternal damnation. Those whose names are found in The Book Of Life escape the second death (eternal damnation), while those not found in the book are cast into The Lake Of Fire.
2.Two Resurrections: The sermon explains that there are two resurrections:
 The first resurrection is for believers (the godly) whose names are written in The Book Of Life. They are resurrected before the millennial kingdom to reign with Christ.
 The second resurrection is for non-believers (the ungodly) who are resurrected after the thousand years to face judgment.
3.Judgment by Works: Non-believers are judged according to their works, as recorded in various books. However, salvation cannot be achieved through works alone. The sermon emphasizes that no one can be justified by works, citing Romans 3:20 and Ephesians 2:9.
4.The Book Of Life vs. Other Books: While the works of individuals are recorded in certain books for judgment, the decisive factor is whether a person’s name is found in The Book Of Life. If someone’s name is not in this book, they are condemned regardless of their deeds.
5.Eternal Consequences: Those not found in The Book Of Life face the “second death,” which is described as being cast into The Lake Of Fire. This represents eternal separation from God.
6.Means of Entry: The only way to have one’s name written in The Book Of Life is through faith in Jesus Christ. The sermon quotes Peter, saying, “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”
7.Mercy and Justice: The existence of The Book Of Life underscores both God’s mercy and justice. It provides a clear criterion for judgment while offering an opportunity for salvation through faith in Christ.
8.Finality of Judgment: Once the final judgment occurs, the decision is permanent. There is no further chance for redemption after this point.

In essence, The Book Of Life serves as the ultimate determinant of eternal destiny in the final judgment. Its presence or absence of a person’s name decides whether they will experience eternal life with God or eternal punishment in The Lake Of Fire. This highlights the importance of faith in Jesus Christ during one’s lifetime, as it is the sole means of having one’s name inscribed in The Book Of Life.


6.Explain the difference between the abyss and The Lake Of Fire and who is destined for each place?

According to the sermon:

 Satan’s role in the current world: According to the sermon, the prince of this world is Satan. He is the ruler and the god of the age. It can be seen when we look at our world today we see that Satan is in control.
 Change during the earthly kingdom: During the thousand-year kingdom, Satan is going to be chained in the abyss, which is the bottomless pit, so he cannot deceive the nations. After the thousand years, he will be loosed for a little season.


7.Interpret the events described in Revelation 9 regarding the locusts coming out of the bottomless pit?

According to the sermon:

 Abyss: It’s a place for demons and the word abussos means “bottomless pit.” It is where demons are chained. It is used nine times in the New Testament.
 Lake of Fire: The beast and false prophet were cast into The Lake Of Fire. The Devil that deceived them was cast into The Lake Of Fire where the beast and false prophet are. The Lake Of Fire is the technical term for final hell.

Who is destined for each place:

 Abyss: Demons are destined for the abyss. God has chained demons there since clear back in Genesis 6, demons who cohabitated with women.
 Lake of Fire: The beast (anti-Christ), the false prophet, the Devil, and anyone whose name is not found written in The Book Of Life.


8.What happened to the Old Testament saints when Jesus died on the cross?

According to the sermon, Revelation 9 describes the bottomless pit (abussos) being opened up during the tribulation. This pit is the place where demons are chained. When the angel unlocks the pit, the demons who have been bound there (some since Genesis 6) come gushing out and overrun the earth. The speaker believes that the locusts in Revelation 9 are demons because they emerge from the abyss, a place specifically associated with bound demons. This event contributes to the intensity of the tribulation, as there will be more demons active on Earth than ever before.

To see all the lessons in this series click on the 1973 Prophecy tag below.

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