The Power of Perception

Ever so often I am asked a question that I wish the answer was better known. I write letters to prisoners through the Crossroads Prison Ministries and this question came up during lesson 4 of Survey of the Bible, Saved to Serve. After reviewing Exodus and in particular the Tenth Plague this student asks this question:

I admit that I was not as familiar with this question as I would like to be, but I jumped at the opportunity to provide the best answer I could squeeze into a letter to a man I could “see” who sat behind more than one set of bars. I then shared this information with my family which I will now share with you.

Let me know what you see. Let me know in the comments below how you would answer him. We all ask these questions; what answer do you give yourself?

I began our family meeting with two very short video clips and asked…

What do you see?

After watching this video once we commented on it until a discrepancy in opinions emerged. Then we watched it a few more times as we each argued our case until we came together to form a consensus. I encourage you to watch it a second or third time to see that your final conclusion may not be the same as your first opinion.

That video reminded me of this clip so we watched it next.

We had seen this video before. We had covered the Arbery court hearing and sentencing earlier so we were familiar with it. The similarities may be apparent to you. Will the person filming the Palisades incident get life in prison just like the person who filmed the Arbery incident? I had to add the Palisades video to this meeting because it underscored the absurdity of Arbery. Be sure to read up on that case as it does affect you and your children if you are White. What the elite controlled media told you is false.

“What do you see?” is the question we asked while watching these two clips? What do you see at first and what do you see after giving yourself a bit of time to investigate the details?

The Power of Perception

When you see a straw in a glass of water for the first time your initial thought is to trust your eyes and say the straw is bent. But as you learn more you discover that is not the case. Many things in life are like this. We cannot let our eyes by themselves dictate our perception. We live in a world controlled by men that are betting on us doing that. If we let our first impressions be our perceptions we will end up on the losing end of the stick which is fast becoming apparent these days.

Matthew 6:22-23 “The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. “But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

Now, on to my answer to “Is God a Baby Killer?” I want you to see what I saw in this lesson so you have some context to “perceive” and critique my answer if you feel inclined. Perception is king! I will clip the pertinent parts before I reveal my letter to him. This inmate did excellent work in answering the 29 questions in this lesson. He did a good amount of study to complete it so well. Prior to this lesson he completed a series on “Who Am I” and “Great Truths of the Bible.” So I know he has completed scores of lessons and is now very familiar with Christianity. I should also mention that in these lessons is space for the student to talk about themselves. So, I learned a little bit about him which helps in letter writing. He did ask for prayers of protection for his two daughters. Will you pray for him too you?

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So there you have the pertinent parts of this lesson along with other relevant questions to set the stage “to see” my answer.



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