What Pisses Me Off About the Jeffrey Epstein Case! Transcript

Stefan Molyneux Published on Jul 8, 2019




Transcript TimeStamp


in the truly sickening hellscape of quote government Justice Jeffrey Epstein is finally potentially facing incredibly delayed justice for crimes that he’s alleged to have committed back in 2002 to 2005 crimes involving the trafficking of underaged girls basically this means given that it’s 17 years later that a baby born when he was first committing these crimes would be too old for him to traffic these days it’s monstrous and it’s horrible we’re gonna unpeel it and look at the details and look at what’s going on in the plea and what’s going on in the indictment and I’ve just you know upfront I’m not a lawyer these are just sort of my personal perspectives and opinions nothing has been proven as yet although the evidence is certainly mounting abso federal prosecutors say financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually exploited dozens of girls and paid victims to recruit others he is facing a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail News has just come out that a plea deal is being offered in which he will give up those who paid for sex with these underage girls in return for a maximum five-year sentence now he was of course tried for some of the war he was accused of some of this stuff before and entered into a plea deal in the past why is this happening again well because he had an immunity deal in Florida but he’s indicted now in New York City so his immunity deal only applied to Florida itself so the Southern District of New York is now saying that Epstein’s home in New York was part of this conspiracy to sexually traffic young girls and therefore is in their jurisdiction and there is a Department of Justice policy in the u.s. regarding plea deals that you don’t tie the hands of other investigators and this is the quote from the policy it is important that non-prosecution agreement be drawn in terms that will not bind other federal prosecutors or agencies without their consent thus if practicable the attorney for the government should explicitly limit the scope of his / her agreement to non prosecution within his / her district so that’s why he’s up on these charges again now I mean this media bias is crazy right so they’re always talking about his ties to Donald Trump occasionally they’ll throw in people like Prince Andrew Alan Dershowitz and Bill Clinton but here’s an example and I put all the sources below and I quote they’re talking about Epstein of course quote a high-powered hedge fund manager with connections to powerful figures like former President Bill Clinton President Donald Trump Prince Andrew and lawyer Alan Dershowitz Epstein had an extensive library of political connections Clinton flew several times in Epstein’s private plane and president Trump also frequently hosted Epstein at mar-a-lago his estate in Palm Beach okay so let’s just sort of break this ad a little bit okay Clinton did not just fly several times in Epstein’s private plane there’s 26 at least some of which were without his Secret Service guard right as the next president he’s Clinton is allowed or I guess he’s encouraged to have Secret Service protection for the rest of his life on the taxpayers dime and he ditched his handlers and his minders and potential witnesses to go on this plane 26 times at least and president Trump never flew a plane to what was colloquially referred to as Epstein’s pedo island and president Trump frequently hosted Epstein at mar-a-lago yes that’s right thousands and thousands and thousands of people visited mar-a-lago it was a club so what does it mean he hosted Epstein doesn’t mean anything it doesn’t mean anything at all if I buy a gym membership and I go to the gym does that mean they’re hosting me and have some big personal connection well of course that’s nonsense and of course what is not mentioned is what has been reported that Epstein with varying degrees of aggressiveness according to some reports propositioned the underaged daughter of a member of the club at mar-a-lago at which point President Trump banned him for life from his clubs that is not exactly enabling now of course Epstein like a lot of wealthy guys with nasty habits threw money around in order to create potential allies you know I will do you a favor kind of thing right so the island the island is also home to Epstein’s foundation the Jeffrey Epstein the sixths Foundation and what did this foundation do well a lot of things but it’s best known for donating thirty million dollars to Harvard University for the establishment of a mathematical biology and evolutionary dynamics program in a 2003 Harvard Crimson article on Epstein and his gift to the University he is described by a bunch of Harvard luminaries including Alan Dershowitz who would later help represent Epstein when he was accused of sex crimes in 2007 as quote brilliant and quote one of the most pleasant philanthropist so Harvard took 30 million dollars from this guy and even after he signed a plea deal identifying him as a registered sex offender well Harvard did not reject any of the money they’re keeping their grubby little claws on it because I guess their reputation it’s very important to them now I talked with Mike Stern of it yesterday about this mysterious wealth– and there’s a guy named Michael stroll who sued Epstein over some failed business issue in the 2000s told New York magazine in 2007 and I quote everybody who’s his friend thinks he’s so darn brilliant because he’s so down wealthy I never saw any brilliance I never saw him look anybody I know that as that wealthy works 26 hours a day this guy plays 26 hours a day now the possibility of course more than a possibility I think that this island and maybe even his private residences were wired for sound and video and that he trapped people or they were willing participants in having sex with underage girls he filmed them and then can owned them well if it was some kind of blackmail operation that was going on then that would explain why he had a lot of money that would explain why people wanted to quote invest in his enterprises so we’ll see actually I don’t think we’ll see from the current stuff that’s going on with the government but so there’s a quote that Trump had back I think in 2000 – he said I’ve known Jeff 15 years terrific guy he’s a lot of fun to be with it is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do and many of them are on the younger side all right all right so easy I understand what it’s life what life is like when you’re rich and powerful when you’re rich and powerful people like to sue you right I mean there are countless laws then the number is is massive as well over a million lawsuits filed in America the vast majority of them against rich people that’s like every year and so you can’t say he likes underage girls right he’s gonna sue you right and and so he’s like oh yeah it’s positive blah blah blah and many of them are on the youngest side well that’s to me I interpret that as a way of warning people about this guy’s preferences without ending ending up getting sued now the media is quoting this as if they had some close relationship yeah that’s people I’ve known for a long time that I don’t have close relationships with you know I when I was an entrepreneur I would still do have an accountant and nice guy but you know we’re knocked width so to speak right so you can know people for a long time socially without knowing them in any grave great or particular detail but when Trump is talking like this in my view this is what he’s doing Trump’s ties to Epstein appear to be strictly social there was some dinner parties two plane trips and meeting a meeting at Trump’s mar-a-lago resort in Palm Beach Florida so 15 years this is supposed to be their big close friendships some dinner parties now if you’ve been to high octane dinner parties well what happens is there are like 15 20 25 30 people there you often don’t have control over the guest list unless it’s your particular party so you show up at some party and there’s some other guy could be at the other end of the table you might exchange nothing other than pleasantries and how’s the weather been for you and how’s your golf swing lately over the course of the entire evening – plane trips I’ve read of one maybe there’s another one and this one was I believe from Florida to New York he hitched a ride on the smaller plane which wasn’t going to this pedo island or anything like that this is Trump so some social stuff they didn’t do business together as far as I can they didn’t take vacations together they didn’t golf together anything like that and of course Trump is on record talking about how the F scene is gonna have trouble with this this island of his now if you look at that Trump’s ties over 25 confirmed flights by Bill Clinton a poor aboard Epstein’s Lolita Express and his visits to Epstein’s private island of the Caribbean known to many as petal island come on to throw Trump and Clinton in the same sentence as well I mean it’s just corporate media falsehoods right so yeah Epstein spent a lot of his adult life cultivating relationships with the world’s most powerful men well was it because he had such a wonderful personality was a great storyteller and charming and high charisma well probably not but if he had stuff on people if he had dirt on people or if he just lavished his money on people I guess some people’s relationships are up for sale so flight logs show that from 2001 to 2003 Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane 26 times after Epstein’s arrest in July 2006 federal tax records show Epstein donated $25,000 of the Clinton Foundation that year there are also claims by a lawyer that Epstein said he helped co-found the Clinton Foundation so that seems a little bit more than two ends of a dinner table that stretches the length of half a runway now this idea that Epstein is gonna roll on people and say oh this guy paid for sexual favors with these young girls that he was allegedly trafficking okay well why do you need a deal with this guy you have flight logs and I mentioned this on Twitter of course people on Twitter are saying well flight logs aren’t proof of anything it’s like well sure but neither is some guy who’s a convicted sex offender admitted sex offender saying oh yeah this guy paid for sexual access to these underage girls like let’s say that there’s some guy named Bob and Epstein says oh yeah Bob totally did it where’s the proof it’s all cash now if there is proof it’ll be in the videos but if they start to unlock these videos that may have been shot in the cameras hidden in various places well then there’s a whole other mess of things going on so I don’t know why they need to have a plea deal because what you have the flight logs right and according to some reports the girls were actually on the planes and there was sexual activity on the plane so what you do is you get the flight logs you sit down and you interview people and you say okay what were you doing there what was the nature of your business did you see anything were there girls there did you learn their names did anything happen sexual let me just interview people like crazy because if Epstein says Oh Bob paid $300 to have sex with this underage girl I mean that’s not proof that’s just an allegation right so then you’d have to go to Bob and you’d have to interview him so all Epstein is gonna do is point to people to interview which the fight logs do already so the idea that there’d be some kind of deal the only reason there be some kind of deal is for him to not name people not to name people you understand so for him to not name people would be the deal not for him to name people because there’s nothing about Clinton there’s nothing about the planes there’s nothing about the Prince Andrew or any other people in the charges that are being put forward against Epstein at the moment which we’ll go through in a sec so regarding the investigation that happened a back of the day regarding Epstein okay so Trump was one of the only people if not the only person who came forward voluntarily to really help out with that investigation right so here’s a quote following a 20-18 financial settlement between florida attorney bradley edwards who represented one of EPs teens accusers only to be later sued by Epstein Edwards claims that Donald Trump was the quote only person end quote who provided assistance when Edwards served subpoenas and notices to high-profile individuals connected to Epstein this is what Bradley Edwards who represented one of EPs teens accusers said quote the only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I want to talk to them is the only person who picked up the phone and said let’s just talk I’ll give you as much time as you want I’ll tell you what you need to know and was very helpful in the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever but had good information that checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009 so there you go there you go now regarding this imaginary connection between Epstein and Trump here’s a quote opposition research firm fusion GPS tried and failed to find evidence of a close relationship between then candidate Donald Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein couldn’t do it couldn’t find him you know this is opera research fusion GPS who was instrumental in helping to try and fail to to tie Trump to all of this Russian collusion the conspiracy theory and so on in January 2016 Viacom ran a story on Trump’s ties to Epstein which framed them as more social these are the dinner parties to plane trips and Epstein hanging out at Trump’s mar-a-lago resort in Palm Beach Florida as radar reported last April and I quote according to an investigation by radar Trump was among dozens of renowned New Yorkers who knew Epstein socially but ostracized him after Palm Beach police uncovered the financier sleazy double life end quote adding the Tramp quote once barred child molester Jeffrey Epstein from his famed mar-a-lago club after the presidential candidate caught in hitting on a young girl so this idea that there’s this big close connection it’s just muddying the waters like it’s gaslighting to hide the Epstein Clinton connection which is rock-solid and confirmed by more than two dozen flight logs all right so what’s sad – it’s just how much this stuff was all done so in a 2007 New York magazine article Vanity Fair columnist Michael Wolfe described flying on Epstein’s private plane in the 1990s it’s back in the 1990s was that more than a quarter century ago saying Epstein quote was followed onto the plane by how shall I say this by three teenage girls not his daughters end quote who were quote 18 19 20 who knows end quote and quote model like come on this is like sleazy Eyes Wide Shut tiny tongue-in-cheek stuff to say oh yeah there’s just teenagers they were 18 19 20 who knows who knows right this is a a quote from the article he has never been secretive about the girls Wolff said quote at one point when his troubles began he was talking to me and said what can I say I like young girls I said maybe you should say I like young women nasty stuff now this is back in the day according to Joseph R Akari the lead Palm Beach detective on the case Epstein was essentially operating a quote sexual pyramid scheme about 80 women were identified who say they were molested or otherwise sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein and some accounts suggest that the total number of girls molested or otherwise sexually abused may be much higher well of course of course and this is the thing that you know when you you really start to think about this stuff just it plagues you and I’m gonna share this with you because this is a very moral core that we need to talk about here the effects of these girls who were 14 years old or more or I think sometimes less even Jen Lisa Jones who says Epstein molested her when she was 14 said you can’t ever stop your thoughts a word can trigger something for me it is the word pure because he called me pure in that room and then I remember what he did to me in that room there was another fourteen-year-old middle school student and cheerleading captain who encountered Epstein who later became addicted to drugs and served three years in prison on drug charges another woman who said f salim molested her was found dead of a heroin overdose and she left behind a young son and you know the girls and the women who reported abuse by Epstein were in general lowest rung powerless people in society most of them and I quote came from disadvantaged families single-parent homes of foster care many of the girls were one step away from homelessness so it’s the usual pattern no dads no protection from predatory men and this is what pisses me off about this deal that was struck that gave him 13 months walk about sleeping in a four-poster bed in a pretend prison and having date a day pass so he didn’t have to spend the day in the prison which is not supposed to be given to sex offenders so because he got off so lightly other people running the same scam other people preying upon the same girls looked at that and said oh well you know the fix is in the game is in we can do whatever we want and what are we gonna get a tiny slap on the wrist who cares not throwing the book at this guy not locking him up for what he deserved gave bunch to other people to say oh well what’s the worst that could happen well I got to spend a couple of nights in a country club of a jail this is what happens like how many girls continued to be abused because this guy and his network were not exposed how many girls were trafficked how many girls were raped how many girls were molested how many girls were recruited to act as catchers for other girls that’s preying upon their conscience in horrible ways hundreds thousands we’ll never know but this is the result of in my view in the result of the really light sentence that he was given back in the day how many more of these girls got preyed upon and now babe may be unable to have children either physically or mentally maybe undateable lives may be destroyed because you see it’s not just that he preyed upon the girls but he paid them to go and recruit other girls thus trapping him and wrecking their conscience by having them participate in these unholy schemes that’s a level of sadism that is almost beyond and it’s almost beyond comprehension but it’s what everybody’s done to these girls now it is particularly if the man is powerful it takes a lot of testimony to bring him down I mean young female athletes have been reporting abuse by a fellow lamed named Larry Nasser he was a USA gymnastics team doctor and he abused more than 100 young athletes since 1997 and ended up being sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for more than a decade the officials at Michigan State University where this guy was employed did nothing look there’s one thing that society needs to get right one thing first and foremost protect the children from these predators from these monsters that’s one thing you need to do you have one job stop your children from being raped abused exploited molested that’s your first job if you can’t get that right nothing else means anything and we as this assignment just look at rape gang Horace Telford and rather ham and countless other places in the UK what’s going on since the 80s since the 90s covered up the father’s trying to rescue their daughters from these rape houses were arrested by police one thing we have to do as a society is protect our children everyone else has a fighting chance the kids have nothing we can’t even do that can’t even do that so Epstein got the sweetheart deal and this deal back in the day was overseen by former Miami US attorney and current Trump labor secretary Alexander Acosta right so I’ve seen dodged a possible life sentence of 13 months after pleading guilty to Florida charges of soliciting and procuring a person under age 18 for prostitution I don’t understand that at all again I’m no lawyer but if you have sex if you’re an adult and you have sex with a girl under the age of 18 isn’t that statutory rape does it matter if you paid or not I mean I guess it adds to the charges but how on earth now Epstein steel called a non-prosecution agreement granted immunity – and I quote any potential co-conspirators so what does that mean that means that if any of Epstein’s powerful friends were involved in his crimes they would face absolutely no consequences and also Alexander Acosta maybe that’s pronounced to cost her I don’t know agreed that the deal would be kept secret from the victims preventing them from showing up in court to try to challenge it right see there’s a rule and they dodge this rule in some complicated legal manner but there’s a rule which says you can’t make a plea deal with a VIP with with a criminal without consulting his victims just dodged all of that some are calling for a Costas resignation from the Labor Department C delayed about Labor Department which he’s in charge of is responsible for a wide variety of things but one of the things it’s responsible for is preventing human trafficking it’s it’s like bile in the mouth licking the battery acid if these soulless monstrous so Epstein when he was first accused was able to hire this course Simpson worthy dream team private investigators Dershowitz star the guy famous for his investigation of Bill Clinton so of course Epstein’s investigators and lawyers work to discredit or intimidate to quote the women and girls who came forward and the authorities working on the case according to the Herald after the case was referred to the FBI Epstein’s team mounted a quote year-long assault quote on federal prosecutors investigating them and their families looking for a quote personal peccadilloes end quote that might disqualify them from the case according to a 2011 public statement by Acosta another wrinkle this is fairly confirmed one of the prosecutors now on the Jeffrey Epstein case is Maureen Comey call me ring a bell ring a bell yes she’s the daughter have fired and I dare say disgraced FBI director James Comey Maureen call me I mean she was a she’s a Democrat she participated in one of these half-crazed pussy hat marches against President Trump she was appointed of course by the Obama administration I mean her whole family a Clinton supporters and were devastated when Clinton last it’s crazy James Comey of course an anti-trump er who was summarily fired by Trump it’s crazy I mean how’s this gonna play out if dirt shows up on the Clintons and this woman is a daughter of James Comey and a huge Clinton fan what’s going to happen sessions recused himself for being in the breathing Vincenti of a Russian ambassador but she’s going to go and be in charge of or one of the prosecutors in this case the fix is in people now that just today just as I was putting those together for this titles are nude photos of underage girls seized from Jeffrey Epstein mansion prosecutors say and now prosecutors moved seized Epstein $75,000,000 townhouse one of the largest in New York now some odd coincidence or just a very posh bad neighborhood right across the street from Epstein’s townhouse was Bill Cosby’s house I guess they might be neighbors again just in a kind of new lot and the home was previously a children’s school I I’m sure that the negotiations went something like this duplicates come with the school did the kids come with the house so I just wanted to like we’ll get to the actual charges but if if you have been victimized by this guy or his associates or his employees SD NY federal prosecutors and the FBI are asking that anyone who may have been a victim of Jeffrey Epstein or have knowledge of any information pertaining to Epstein called 1-800 call FBI they’re looking for any possible witnesses to help in the case against Epstein that’s 1-800 call FBI and if you do have knowledge of this I I hope that you will all right so let’s have a look at the indictments that just came out from of course the United States of America versus Jeffrey Epstein count one sex trafficking conspiracy the grand jury charges one as set forth here in over the course of many years Jeffrey Epstein the defendant sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan New York and Palm Beach Florida among other locations in particular from at least in or about 2002 up to and including at least in or about 2005 Jeffrey Epstein the defendant enticed and recruited and caused to be enticed and recruited minor girls to visit his mansion in Manhattan New York the New York residence at his State and Palm Beach Florida the Palm Beach residents to engage in sex acts with him after which he would give the victims hundreds of dollars in cash moreover and in order to maintain and increase his supply of victims Epstein also paid certain of his victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly a used by Epstein in this way I’ve seen created a vast network of underage victims for him to sexually exploit in locations including New York and Palm Beach the victims described here ember as young as 14 years old at the time they were abused by Jeffrey Epstein the defendant and were for various reasons often particularly vulnerable to exploitation Epstein intentionally sought out minors and knew that many of his victims were in fact under the age of 18 including because in some instances mine victims expressly told him their age in creating and maintaining this network of minor victims in multiple states who sexually abuse and exploit Jeffrey Epstein the defendant worked and conspired with others including employees and associates who facilitated his conduct by among other things contacting victims and scheduling their sexual encounters with Epstein at the New York residents and at the Palm Beach residence now it’s interesting stuff right worked with sorry worked and conspired with others including employees and associates who facilitated his conduct so he got his employees involved and associates see this this is something that I’ve thought about with regards to you know was he running some super legit hedge fund or investment fund or whatever because you know if if this guy’s handling a bunch of people’s money and then this guy commits a crime I’m the lawyer again but wouldn’t they sue him for failure to fulfill the basic duties of his office which is not to say allegedly traffic in underage girls for sexual purposes why wouldn’t they why wouldn’t his investor sue him and say listen man I gave you a billion dollars like some of his hedge funds say oh you have to have at least a billion dollars why wouldn’t people sue him and say dude you were doing this stuff at the same time as you were managing my money now my investments have been super harmed I’ve lost money perhaps and you’re no longer in charge of a good person to be in charge you failed your fiduciary responsibilities to manage my money by engaging in criminal actions have those lawsuits occurred I don’t know but if they didn’t well that goes to this possibility this vague possibility that probably will never come out it’s just a pure hypothetical of course which is that people funded him to create a honeypot trap to control powerful people in the West so that they could do the bidding of unknown groups or governments or whatever but you know could go some ways to explaining the seemingly insane aspects of u.s. foreign policy but that of course remains completely speculative so yeah who would who would these associates are they going to be charged are they going like what’s going to happen factual background during all I’m not gonna read the numbers here during all time periods charged in this indictment Jeffrey Epstein the defendant was a financier with multiple residences in the continental US New York residents Palm Beach residents and so on now they are of course very much concerned that he’s a flight risk what he’s got like three US passports and homes all over the world and I mean he flies all over the place all the time he’s got enough money to ditch bail money if it needs to and not even look back you know fly Polanski style and so on so we’ll see you know if he does fly well it’ll be like people getting out of the United States after 9/11 in my view so beginning in at least 2002 Jeffrey Epstein now at least right could be for Jeffrey Epstein the defendant enticed and recruited in course to be enticed and recruited dozens of minor girls to engage in sex acts with him after which Epstein paid the victims hundreds of dollars in cash at these residences so this abuse right so when you get allegations you look for a similarity of accusations from victims who have not been able to coordinate right in both New York and Florida Jeffrey Epstein the defendant perpetuated this abuse in similar ways victims were initially recruited to provide massages quote massages to have seen which would be performed nude or partially nude would become increasingly sexual in nature and would typically include one or more sex acts right so this is this is how deranged and far from reality our society has become I mean how desperate or untutored or hungry for any kind of attention are these girls where when someone comes along and you come from some broken home they say in a lot of fatherless girls here or single-parent household which su means single mom for the most part comes along and says hey you know there’s this rich guy in a gated mansion who wants you at the age of fourteen to come and give him a massage in return for money right if he wants a massage there are plenty of legit masseuses who will come by even set up a table in your own dramedy could certainly afford any of that right so how naive do you have to be how broken how desperate how untutored unschooled unprotected do you have to be that some creepster comes along and says yeah come and give this rich guy a massage in his private residence alone for money i mean come on so says moreover Epstein actively encouraged certain if its victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly sexually abused now that’s part of the sadism in my view that to absorb them into his network of predation Epstein incentivize did victims go on it goes on to say Epstein incentivize his victims to become recruiters by paying these victim recruiters hundreds of dollars for each girl that they brought to Epstein in so doing Epstein maintained a steady supply of new victims to exploit I mean this is not to me the activities of somebody who’s got a full-time job so where’s his money come from so this is there’s the New York residents which they talk about here and then this is what happens quote when a victim arrived at the New York residence she typically would be escorted to a room with a massage table where she would perform a massage and Jeffrey Epstein the defendant the victim victims who were as young as 14 years of age I have heard reported younger but we’re going to go with this and just say 14 is the base the victims who were as young as 14 years of age were told by Epstein or other individuals to partially or fully undress before beginning the quote massage during the encounter Epstein would escalate the nature and scope of physical contact with his victim to include among other things sex acts such as groping and direct and indirect contact with the victims genitals Epstein typically would also masturbate during these sexualized encounters asked victims to touch him while he masturbated and touch victims genitals with his hands over sex toys girls what’s that phrase we’re gonna get medieval on his ass it’s pretty tempting and pretty tempting I’m sure for some people so they say epstein ooh that many of his New York victims were underage certain victims told him their age you can quote furthermore once these minor victims were recruited many were abused by Epstein and multiple subsequent occasions at the New York residence Epstein sometimes personally contacted victim victims to schedule appointments at the New York residence in other instances and I quote here Epstein directed employees and associates including a new york-based employee employee one to communicate with victims via phone to arrange for these victims to return to the New York residence for additional sexual encounters with Epstein and this is part of the gist there I mean the shattering of a family in the West you girl is unsupervised she’s out there roaming the streets she’s picked up by someone who says come give a naked massage to some creep stirrer in a private residence is like yeah that seems great she’s got hundreds of dollars she’s traumatized Radtke see the girl said the word pure was a trigger word for her cuz he kept referring to her as pure I assumed these girls were virgins which means that they were to one degree or another deflowered that the purity was besmirched and spoiled shattered so where are the families the girls gone she comes back with hundreds of dollars did they not notice she’s buying things did they not notice that she’s changed do they not notice any alteration in her personality or noticed the slight alteration in her finances where are her parents and you don’t let your kids just roam around like this and not notice when anything happens it’s appalling well this is back to right female lions hunt and the male lions guard the perimeters they guard the borders they got the boundaries of the pride men protect girls father’s protect girls in general I mean I’ve said this before but children of single mother households are 30 to 40 times more likely to be abused women as a whole in general cannot protect their children this is a man’s job which is why if you want to prey on children you want to get the men out of the household you you want to you want to prey on children could get men that gotta get the men out of the household this is one of the reasons why the welfare state pays men to not be they’re not saying it’s a conscious reason it’s one of the reasons why people love to get women to marry the state rather than have a man around who’s gonna protect the daughters and the sons do then the boys get abused as well not in this particular instance but it certainly happens so yeah that’s that’s the general pattern and I’ll put the link to this of course and this is a cross state right this is was arranged across this is from 14 in addition to recruiting and abusing minor girls in New York Jeffrey Epstein the defendant created a similar network of minor girls to victimized in Palm Beach Florida where Epstein owned possessed and controlled another large residence ie the Palm Beach residence Epstein frequently traveled from New York to Palm Beach by private jet before which an employee or associate would ensure that minor victims were available for encounters upon his arrival in Florida associates employees other girls during these encounters Epstein would escalate the nature and scope of the physical contact to include sex acts such as groping and direct an indirect contact with the victims genitals Epstein would also typically masturbate during these encounters asked victims to touch him while he masturbated in touch victims genitals with his hands or with sex toys now the reason Mike son of itch was saying yesterday and I’m paraphrasing here so I’m positive if I get anything wrong but the reason that Epstein was arrested and these charges were laid was because they’re a foul but I think it’s 2,000 pages of documents about to be unsealed as the results of the work by Mike Tsarevich who started it the Miami Herald and Alan Dershowitz who joined it later these records are gonna be unsealed what this means to me and again I’m no lawyer but what it means to me is that all these details were known when this savage sweetheart deal was given to this guy all these details were not all these details were not when this sweetheart deal was given to this guy and the only reason he’s been charged now is because these details were going to come out what is wrong with us as a society what is wrong with us it’s the first job keep creeps away from the genitals of your children everything else is kind of like icing after that this is the important thing and who’s gonna who’s gonna pay for this who’s gonna write I mean people say well how would a free market deal with this kind of stuff what would you want a contract with an agency that that this slide let this slip of course not now we better shape up and start recognizing the fundamental reality that children are human beings and the human beings in society most desperately worthy of our protection if we cannot protect our children we’ve got nothing left to protect at all but what do we do what do we do with our kids we we dump them in government schools where they get indoctrinated we layton them down with massive amounts of debt so they can be further indoctrinated in quote universities that are simply vampires feasting on the prior blood of what used to be called a reasonable education what do we do they don’t vote so we don’t care about them we don’t care about them except and insofar as they can be manipulated for propaganda to open borders whether in Europe or in America Owen you know what else we do what else we love about our kids that they’re gonna grow up and pay taxes so we can use them as collateral with which to borrow and buy votes in the here and now if we don’t wake up and recognize that the most fundamental prejudice in the world today is child ISM bigotry and dehumanization of children if we don’t wake up and stop protecting our kids not only will we not survive as a culture as what used to be a civilization not only will we not survive by God we don’t even deserve to you

Transcript TimeStamp

00:00 in the truly sickening hellscape of
00:01 quote government Justice Jeffrey Epstein
00:04 is finally potentially facing incredibly
00:09 delayed justice for crimes that he’s
00:11 alleged to have committed back in 2002
00:13 to 2005 crimes involving the trafficking
00:18 of underaged girls basically this means
00:22 given that it’s 17 years later that a
00:25 baby born when he was first committing
00:26 these crimes would be too old for him to
00:29 traffic these days it’s monstrous and
00:32 it’s horrible we’re gonna unpeel it and
00:33 look at the details and look at what’s
00:35 going on in the plea and what’s going on
00:38 in the indictment and I’ve just you know
00:42 upfront I’m not a lawyer these are just
00:43 sort of my personal perspectives and
00:44 opinions nothing has been proven as yet
00:46 although the evidence is certainly
00:49 mounting abso federal prosecutors say
00:51 financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually
00:53 exploited dozens of girls and paid
00:55 victims to recruit others he is facing a
00:58 maximum sentence of 45 years in jail
01:00 News has just come out that a plea deal
01:03 is being offered in which he will give
01:05 up those who paid for sex with these
01:09 underage girls in return for a maximum
01:10 five-year sentence now he was of course
01:13 tried for some of the war he was accused
01:16 of some of this stuff before and entered
01:17 into a plea deal in the past why is this
01:21 happening again well because he had an
01:24 immunity deal in Florida but he’s
01:26 indicted now in New York City so his
01:29 immunity deal only applied to Florida
01:32 itself so the Southern District of New
01:34 York is now saying that Epstein’s home
01:36 in New York was part of this conspiracy
01:39 to sexually traffic young girls and
01:41 therefore is in their jurisdiction and
01:43 there is a Department of Justice policy
01:45 in the u.s. regarding plea deals that
01:47 you don’t tie the hands of other
01:51 investigators and this is the quote from
01:53 the policy it is important that
01:54 non-prosecution agreement be drawn in
01:56 terms that will not bind other federal
01:59 prosecutors or agencies without their
02:01 consent thus if practicable the attorney
02:04 for the government should explicitly
02:06 limit the scope of his / her agreement
02:08 to non prosecution within his / her
02:12 district so that’s why he’s up on these
02:16 charges again now I mean this media bias
02:21 is crazy right so they’re always talking
02:23 about his ties to Donald Trump
02:25 occasionally they’ll throw in people
02:26 like Prince Andrew Alan Dershowitz and
02:28 Bill Clinton but here’s an example and I
02:31 put all the sources below and I quote
02:33 they’re talking about F seen of course
02:34 quote a high-powered hedge fund manager
02:36 with connections to powerful figures
02:38 like former President Bill Clinton
02:39 President Donald Trump Prince Andrew and
02:41 lawyer Alan Dershowitz Epstein had an
02:43 extensive library of political
02:45 connections Clinton flew several times
02:48 in Epstein’s private plane and president
02:51 Trump also frequently hosted Epstein at
02:53 mar-a-lago his estate in Palm Beach okay
02:55 so let’s just sort of break this ad a
02:57 little bit okay Clinton did not just fly
03:01 several times in Epstein’s private plane
03:04 there’s 26 at least some of which were
03:06 without his Secret Service guard right
03:09 as the next president he’s Clinton is
03:11 allowed or I guess he’s encouraged to
03:14 have Secret Service protection for the
03:15 rest of his life on the taxpayers dime
03:17 and he ditched his handlers and his
03:19 minders and potential witnesses to go on
03:21 this plane 26 times at least and
03:25 president Trump never flew a plane to
03:27 what was colloquially referred to as
03:30 Epstein’s pedo island and president
03:33 Trump frequently hosted Epstein at
03:35 mar-a-lago yes that’s right
03:37 thousands and thousands and thousands of
03:39 people visited mar-a-lago it was a club
03:42 so what does it mean he hosted Epstein
03:44 doesn’t mean anything it doesn’t mean
03:46 anything at all if I buy a gym
03:48 membership and I go to the gym does that
03:51 mean they’re hosting me and have some
03:52 big personal connection well of course
03:54 that’s nonsense and of course what is
03:56 not mentioned is what has been reported
03:58 that Epstein with varying degrees of
04:01 aggressiveness according to some reports
04:03 propositioned the underaged daughter of
04:06 a member of the club at mar-a-lago at
04:09 which point President Trump banned him
04:11 for life from his clubs that is not
04:16 exactly enabling now of course
04:18 Epstein like a lot of wealthy guys with
04:20 nasty habits threw money around in order
04:23 to create potential allies you know I
04:25 will do you a favor kind of thing
04:27 right so the island the island is also
04:32 home to Epstein’s foundation the Jeffrey
04:34 Epstein the sixths Foundation and what
04:38 did this foundation do well a lot of
04:40 things but it’s best known for donating
04:42 thirty million dollars to Harvard
04:45 University for the establishment of a
04:47 mathematical biology and evolutionary
04:48 dynamics program in a 2003 Harvard
04:52 Crimson article on Epstein and his gift
04:54 to the University he is described by a
04:57 bunch of Harvard luminaries including
04:58 Alan Dershowitz who would later help
05:00 represent Epstein when he was accused of
05:02 sex crimes in 2007 as quote brilliant
05:05 and quote one of the most pleasant
05:07 philanthropist so Harvard took 30
05:14 million dollars from this guy and even
05:15 after he signed a plea deal identifying
05:19 him as a registered sex offender
05:21 well Harvard did not reject any of the
05:24 money they’re keeping their grubby
05:25 little claws on it because I guess their
05:30 reputation it’s very important to them
05:32 now I talked with Mike Stern of it
05:34 yesterday about this mysterious wealth–
05:35 and there’s a guy named Michael stroll
05:39 who sued Epstein over some failed
05:42 business issue in the 2000s told New
05:44 York magazine in 2007 and I quote
05:47 everybody who’s his friend thinks he’s
05:49 so darn brilliant because he’s so down
05:51 wealthy I never saw any brilliance I
05:52 never saw him look anybody I know that
05:55 as that wealthy works 26 hours a day
05:57 this guy plays 26 hours a day now the
06:03 possibility of course more than a
06:05 possibility I think that this island and
06:09 maybe even his private residences were
06:11 wired for sound and video and that he
06:12 trapped people or they were willing
06:15 participants in having sex with underage
06:17 girls he filmed them and then can owned
06:19 them well if it was some kind of
06:21 blackmail operation that was going on
06:23 then that would explain why he had a lot
06:26 of money that would explain why people
06:27 wanted to quote invest in his
06:29 enterprises so we’ll see actually I
06:32 don’t think we’ll see from the current
06:33 stuff that’s going on with the
06:35 government but so there’s a quote that
06:38 Trump had back I think in 2000
06:41 – he said I’ve known Jeff 15 years
06:43 terrific guy he’s a lot of fun to be
06:45 with it is even said that he likes
06:47 beautiful women as much as I do
06:48 and many of them are on the younger side
06:50 all right all right so easy I understand
06:53 what it’s life what life is like when
06:54 you’re rich and powerful when you’re
06:56 rich and powerful people like to sue you
06:58 right I mean there are countless laws
07:01 then the number is is massive as well
07:04 over a million lawsuits filed in America
07:05 the vast majority of them against rich
07:07 people that’s like every year and so you
07:09 can’t say he likes underage girls right
07:12 he’s gonna sue you right and and so he’s
07:15 like oh yeah it’s positive blah blah
07:16 blah and many of them are on the
07:18 youngest side well that’s to me I
07:20 interpret that as a way of warning
07:22 people about this guy’s preferences
07:23 without ending ending up getting sued
07:25 now the media is quoting this as if they
07:28 had some close relationship
07:30 yeah that’s people I’ve known for a long
07:32 time that I don’t have close
07:33 relationships with you know I when I was
07:37 an entrepreneur I would still do have an
07:38 accountant and nice guy but you know
07:42 we’re knocked width so to speak
07:45 right so you can know people for a long
07:46 time socially without knowing them in
07:48 any grave great or particular detail but
07:51 when Trump is talking like this in my
07:54 view this is what he’s doing Trump’s
07:56 ties to Epstein appear to be strictly
07:58 social there was some dinner parties two
08:00 plane trips and meeting a meeting at
08:03 Trump’s mar-a-lago resort in Palm Beach
08:04 Florida so 15 years this is supposed to
08:08 be their big close friendships some
08:10 dinner parties now if you’ve been to
08:12 high octane dinner parties well what
08:15 happens is there are like 15 20 25 30
08:18 people there you often don’t have
08:21 control over the guest list unless it’s
08:22 your particular party so you show up at
08:25 some party and there’s some other guy
08:26 could be at the other end of the table
08:28 you might exchange nothing other than
08:29 pleasantries and how’s the weather been
08:31 for you and how’s your golf swing lately
08:33 over the course of the entire evening –
08:37 plane trips I’ve read of one maybe
08:39 there’s another one and this one was I
08:41 believe from Florida to New York he
08:43 hitched a ride on the smaller plane
08:45 which wasn’t going to this pedo island
08:47 or anything like that this is Trump so
08:51 some social stuff they didn’t do
08:53 business together as far as I can
08:54 they didn’t take vacations together they
08:56 didn’t golf together anything like that
08:57 and of course Trump is on record talking
09:00 about how the F scene is gonna have
09:03 trouble with this this island of his now
09:05 if you look at that Trump’s ties over 25
09:09 confirmed flights by Bill Clinton a poor
09:11 aboard Epstein’s Lolita Express and his
09:13 visits to Epstein’s private island of
09:14 the Caribbean known to many as petal
09:16 island come on to throw Trump and
09:21 Clinton in the same sentence as well I
09:22 mean it’s just corporate media
09:24 falsehoods right so yeah Epstein spent a
09:28 lot of his adult life cultivating
09:29 relationships with the world’s most
09:30 powerful men well was it because he had
09:33 such a wonderful personality was a great
09:34 storyteller and charming and high
09:36 charisma well probably not but if he had
09:38 stuff on people if he had dirt on people
09:40 or if he just lavished his money on
09:42 people I guess some people’s
09:43 relationships are up for sale so flight
09:46 logs show that from 2001 to 2003 Bill
09:49 Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane
09:51 26 times after Epstein’s arrest in July
09:54 2006 federal tax records show Epstein
09:57 donated $25,000 of the Clinton
09:59 Foundation that year there are also
10:01 claims by a lawyer that Epstein said he
10:06 helped co-found the Clinton Foundation
10:09 so that seems a little bit more than two
10:11 ends of a dinner table that stretches
10:13 the length of half a runway now this
10:17 idea that Epstein is gonna roll on
10:19 people and say oh this guy paid for
10:23 sexual favors with these young girls
10:25 that he was allegedly trafficking okay
10:28 well why do you need a deal with this
10:30 guy you have flight logs and I mentioned
10:32 this on Twitter of course people on
10:33 Twitter are saying well flight logs
10:34 aren’t proof of anything it’s like well
10:35 sure but neither is some guy who’s a
10:38 convicted sex offender admitted sex
10:41 offender saying oh yeah this guy paid
10:44 for sexual access to these underage
10:47 girls like let’s say that there’s some
10:49 guy named Bob and Epstein says oh yeah
10:52 Bob totally did it
10:53 where’s the proof it’s all cash now if
10:56 there is proof it’ll be in the videos
10:58 but if they start to unlock these videos
10:59 that may have been shot in the cameras
11:02 hidden in various places well then
11:04 there’s a whole other mess of things
11:08 going on so I don’t know why they need
11:09 to have a plea deal because what you
11:11 have the flight logs right and according
11:13 to some reports the girls were actually
11:17 on the planes and there was sexual
11:18 activity on the plane so what you do is
11:20 you get the flight logs you sit down and
11:22 you interview people and you say okay
11:24 what were you doing there what was the
11:25 nature of your business did you see
11:26 anything were there girls there did you
11:28 learn their names did anything happen
11:29 sexual let me just interview people like
11:32 crazy because if Epstein says Oh Bob
11:35 paid $300 to have sex with this underage
11:38 girl I mean that’s not proof that’s just
11:41 an allegation right so then you’d have
11:43 to go to Bob and you’d have to interview
11:45 him so all Epstein is gonna do is point
11:47 to people to interview which the fight
11:49 logs do already so the idea that there’d
11:51 be some kind of deal
11:51 the only reason there be some kind of
11:53 deal is for him to not name people not
11:55 to name people you understand so for him
11:57 to not name people would be the deal not
12:00 for him to name people because there’s
12:01 nothing about Clinton there’s nothing
12:03 about the planes there’s nothing about
12:05 the Prince Andrew or any other people in
12:08 the charges that are being put forward
12:11 against Epstein at the moment which
12:14 we’ll go through in a sec so regarding
12:18 the investigation that happened a back
12:21 of the day regarding Epstein okay so
12:26 Trump was one of the only people if not
12:28 the only person who came forward
12:30 voluntarily to really help out with that
12:32 investigation right so here’s a quote
12:33 following a 20-18 financial settlement
12:36 between florida attorney bradley edwards
12:38 who represented one of EPs teens
12:39 accusers only to be later sued by
12:41 Epstein Edwards claims that Donald Trump
12:43 was the quote only person end quote who
12:47 provided assistance when Edwards served
12:49 subpoenas and notices to high-profile
12:51 individuals connected to Epstein this is
12:53 what Bradley Edwards who represented one
12:58 of EPs teens accusers said quote the
13:01 only thing that I can say about
13:02 President Trump is that he is the only
13:04 person who in 2009 when I served a lot
13:07 of subpoenas on a lot of people or at
13:09 least gave notice to some pretty
13:10 connected people that I want to talk to
13:12 them is the only person who picked up
13:14 the phone and said let’s just talk I’ll
13:17 give you as much time as you want I’ll
13:18 tell you what you need to know and was
13:20 very helpful
13:21 in the information that he gave and gave
13:23 no indication whatsoever that he was
13:25 involved in anything untoward whatsoever
13:27 but had good information that checked
13:30 out and that helped us and we didn’t
13:32 have to take a deposition of him in 2009
13:36 so there you go there you go
13:39 now regarding this imaginary connection
13:41 between Epstein and Trump here’s a quote
13:44 opposition research firm fusion GPS
13:47 tried and failed to find evidence of a
13:49 close relationship between then
13:50 candidate Donald Trump and billionaire
13:52 Jeffrey Epstein couldn’t do it couldn’t
13:56 find him you know this is opera research
13:58 fusion GPS who was instrumental in
14:00 helping to try and fail to to tie Trump
14:03 to all of this Russian collusion the
14:05 conspiracy theory and so on in January
14:08 2016 Viacom ran a story on Trump’s ties
14:11 to Epstein which framed them as more
14:13 social these are the dinner parties to
14:14 plane trips and Epstein hanging out at
14:16 Trump’s mar-a-lago resort in Palm Beach
14:18 Florida as radar reported last April and
14:21 I quote according to an investigation by
14:22 radar Trump was among dozens of renowned
14:24 New Yorkers who knew Epstein socially
14:26 but ostracized him after Palm Beach
14:28 police uncovered the financier sleazy
14:30 double life end quote adding the Tramp
14:32 quote once barred child molester Jeffrey
14:34 Epstein from his famed mar-a-lago club
14:36 after the presidential candidate caught
14:39 in hitting on a young girl so this idea
14:47 that there’s this big close connection
14:49 it’s just muddying the waters like it’s
14:50 gaslighting to hide the Epstein Clinton
14:54 connection which is rock-solid and
14:56 confirmed by more than two dozen flight
14:59 logs all right so what’s sad – it’s just
15:04 how much this stuff was all done so in a
15:06 2007 New York magazine article Vanity
15:08 Fair columnist Michael Wolfe described
15:10 flying on Epstein’s private plane in the
15:12 1990s it’s back in the 1990s was that
15:16 more than a quarter century ago saying
15:18 Epstein quote was followed onto the
15:20 plane by how shall I say this by three
15:23 teenage girls not his daughters end
15:25 quote who were quote 18 19 20 who knows
15:31 end quote and quote model like
15:35 come on this is like sleazy Eyes Wide
15:39 Shut tiny tongue-in-cheek stuff to say
15:41 oh yeah there’s just teenagers they were
15:44 18 19 20 who knows who knows right this
15:49 is a a quote from the article he has
15:52 never been secretive about the girls
15:53 Wolff said quote at one point when his
15:55 troubles began he was talking to me and
15:56 said what can I say I like young girls I
15:59 said maybe you should say I like young
16:01 women nasty stuff
16:08 now this is back in the day according to
16:12 Joseph R Akari the lead Palm Beach
16:14 detective on the case Epstein was
16:16 essentially operating a quote sexual
16:18 pyramid scheme about 80 women were
16:23 identified who say they were molested or
16:26 otherwise sexually abused by Jeffrey
16:28 Epstein and some accounts suggest that
16:31 the total number of girls molested or
16:34 otherwise sexually abused may be much
16:36 higher well of course of course and this
16:40 is the thing that you know when you you
16:41 really start to think about this stuff
16:43 just it plagues you and I’m gonna share
16:44 this with you because this is a very
16:46 moral core that we need to talk about
16:48 here the effects of these girls who were
16:53 14 years old or more or I think
16:57 sometimes less even Jen Lisa Jones who
17:02 says Epstein molested her when she was
17:04 14 said you can’t ever stop your
17:07 thoughts a word can trigger something
17:10 for me it is the word pure because he
17:12 called me pure in that room and then I
17:14 remember what he did to me in that room
17:20 there was another fourteen-year-old
17:22 middle school student and cheerleading
17:24 captain who encountered Epstein who
17:27 later became addicted to drugs and
17:29 served three years in prison on drug
17:30 charges another woman who said f salim
17:34 molested her was found dead of a heroin
17:38 overdose and she left behind a young son
17:46 and you know the girls and the women who
17:50 reported abuse by Epstein were in
17:54 general lowest rung powerless people in
17:58 society most of them and I quote came
18:00 from disadvantaged families
18:02 single-parent homes of foster care many
18:05 of the girls were one step away from
18:06 homelessness so it’s the usual pattern
18:12 no dads no protection from predatory men
18:19 and this is what pisses me off about
18:22 this deal that was struck that gave him
18:26 13 months walk about sleeping in a
18:29 four-poster bed in a pretend prison and
18:32 having date a day pass so he didn’t have
18:34 to spend the day in the prison which is
18:35 not supposed to be given to sex
18:37 offenders so because he got off so
18:41 lightly other people running the same
18:44 scam other people preying upon the same
18:47 girls looked at that and said oh well
18:50 you know the fix is in the game is in we
18:52 can do whatever we want and what are we
18:54 gonna get a tiny slap on the wrist who
18:56 cares not throwing the book at this guy
19:03 not locking him up for what he deserved
19:06 gave bunch to other people to say oh
19:10 well what’s the worst that could happen
19:11 well I got to spend a couple of nights
19:15 in a country club of a jail this is what
19:21 happens like how many girls continued to
19:23 be abused because this guy and his
19:26 network were not exposed how many girls
19:31 were trafficked how many girls were
19:32 raped how many girls were molested how
19:35 many girls were recruited to act as
19:37 catchers for other girls that’s preying
19:39 upon their conscience in horrible ways
19:43 hundreds thousands we’ll never know but
19:47 this is the result of in my view in the
19:50 result of the really light sentence that
19:52 he was given back in the day how many
19:55 more of these girls got preyed upon
19:58 and now babe may be unable to have
20:01 children either physically or mentally
20:03 maybe undateable lives may be destroyed
20:07 because you see it’s not just that he
20:10 preyed upon the girls but he paid them
20:11 to go and recruit other girls thus
20:14 trapping him and wrecking their
20:17 conscience by having them participate in
20:20 these unholy schemes that’s a level of
20:23 sadism that is almost beyond and it’s
20:28 almost beyond comprehension
20:30 but it’s what everybody’s done to these
20:31 girls now it is particularly if the man
20:37 is powerful it takes a lot of testimony
20:38 to bring him down I mean young female
20:45 athletes have been reporting abuse by a
20:47 fellow lamed named Larry Nasser
20:49 he was a USA gymnastics team doctor and
20:54 he abused more than 100 young athletes
20:57 since 1997 and ended up being sentenced
21:00 to up to 175 years in prison for more
21:04 than a decade the officials at Michigan
21:07 State University where this guy was
21:09 employed did nothing look there’s one
21:16 thing that society needs to get right
21:17 one thing first and foremost protect the
21:20 children from these predators from these
21:23 monsters that’s one thing you need to do
21:26 you have one job
21:28 stop your children from being raped
21:30 abused exploited molested that’s your
21:33 first job if you can’t get that right
21:35 nothing else means anything
21:40 and we as this assignment just look at
21:43 rape gang Horace Telford and rather ham
21:48 and countless other places in the UK
21:50 what’s going on since the 80s since the
21:52 90s covered up the father’s trying to
21:56 rescue their daughters from these rape
21:59 houses were arrested by police one thing
22:05 we have to do as a society is protect
22:08 our children everyone else has a
22:09 fighting chance
22:10 the kids have nothing we can’t even do
22:17 that can’t even do that
22:22 so Epstein got the sweetheart deal and
22:25 this deal back in the day was overseen
22:27 by former Miami US attorney and current
22:29 Trump labor secretary Alexander Acosta
22:32 right so I’ve seen dodged a possible
22:35 life sentence of 13 months after
22:38 pleading guilty to Florida charges of
22:40 soliciting and procuring a person under
22:42 age 18 for prostitution I don’t
22:47 understand that at all again I’m no
22:49 lawyer but if you have sex if you’re an
22:51 adult and you have sex with a girl under
22:53 the age of 18 isn’t that statutory rape
22:55 does it matter if you paid or not I mean
22:56 I guess it adds to the charges but how
22:58 on earth now Epstein steel called a
23:02 non-prosecution agreement granted
23:03 immunity – and I quote any potential
23:06 co-conspirators so what does that mean
23:09 that means that if any of Epstein’s
23:11 powerful friends were involved in his
23:14 crimes they would face absolutely no
23:18 consequences and also Alexander Acosta
23:25 maybe that’s pronounced to cost her I
23:27 don’t know agreed that the deal would be
23:29 kept secret from the victims preventing
23:31 them from showing up in court to try to
23:32 challenge it right see there’s a rule
23:35 and they dodge this rule in some
23:36 complicated legal manner but there’s a
23:38 rule which says you can’t make a plea
23:40 deal with a VIP with with a criminal
23:42 without consulting his victims just
23:46 dodged all of that some are calling for
23:50 a Costas resignation from the Labor
23:51 Department C delayed about Labor
23:53 Department which he’s in charge of is
23:54 responsible for a wide variety of things
23:56 but one of the things it’s responsible
23:58 for is preventing human trafficking it’s
24:05 it’s like bile in the mouth licking the
24:09 battery acid if these soulless monstrous
24:14 so Epstein when he was first accused was
24:18 able to hire this course Simpson worthy
24:21 dream team private investigators
24:22 Dershowitz star the guy famous for his
24:26 investigation of Bill Clinton so of
24:29 course Epstein’s investigators and
24:32 lawyers work to discredit or intimidate
24:34 to quote the women and girls who came
24:36 forward and the authorities working on
24:37 the case according to the Herald after
24:41 the case was referred to the FBI
24:42 Epstein’s team mounted a quote year-long
24:44 assault quote on federal prosecutors
24:47 investigating them and their families
24:49 looking for a quote personal
24:50 peccadilloes end quote that might
24:53 disqualify them from the case according
24:54 to a 2011 public statement by Acosta
25:01 another wrinkle this is fairly confirmed
25:07 one of the prosecutors now on the
25:09 Jeffrey Epstein case is Maureen Comey
25:11 call me ring a bell ring a bell yes
25:13 she’s the daughter have fired and I dare
25:16 say disgraced FBI director James Comey
25:21 Maureen call me I mean she was a she’s a
25:24 Democrat she participated in one of
25:26 these half-crazed pussy hat marches
25:29 against President Trump she was
25:32 appointed of course by the Obama
25:33 administration I mean her whole family a
25:39 Clinton supporters and were devastated
25:41 when Clinton last it’s crazy James Comey
25:46 of course an anti-trump er who was
25:49 summarily fired by Trump it’s crazy I
25:55 mean how’s this gonna play out if dirt
25:59 shows up on the Clintons and this woman
26:02 is a daughter of James Comey and a huge
26:04 Clinton fan what’s going to happen
26:07 sessions recused himself for being in
26:10 the breathing Vincenti of a Russian
26:11 ambassador but she’s going to go and be
26:16 in charge of or one of the prosecutors
26:18 in this case the fix is in people now
26:23 that just today just as I was putting
26:25 those together for this
26:26 titles are nude photos of underage girls
26:28 seized from Jeffrey Epstein mansion
26:30 prosecutors say and now prosecutors
26:33 moved seized Epstein $75,000,000
26:35 townhouse one of the largest in New York
26:38 now some odd coincidence or just a very
26:42 posh bad neighborhood right across the
26:45 street from Epstein’s townhouse was Bill
26:49 Cosby’s house
26:50 I guess they might be neighbors again
26:53 just in a kind of new lot and the home
26:56 was previously a children’s school I I’m
26:59 sure that the negotiations went
27:00 something like this
27:01 duplicates come with the school did the
27:03 kids come with the house so I just
27:11 wanted to like we’ll get to the actual
27:12 charges but if if you have been
27:16 victimized by this guy or his associates
27:20 or his employees SD NY federal
27:22 prosecutors and the FBI are asking that
27:24 anyone who may have been a victim of
27:26 Jeffrey Epstein or have knowledge of any
27:28 information pertaining to Epstein called
27:30 1-800 call FBI they’re looking for any
27:34 possible witnesses to help in the case
27:36 against Epstein that’s 1-800 call FBI
27:40 and if you do have knowledge of this I I
27:45 hope that you will all right so let’s
27:48 have a look at the indictments that just
27:52 came out from of course the United
27:54 States of America versus Jeffrey Epstein
27:56 count one sex trafficking conspiracy the
27:58 grand jury charges one as set forth here
28:02 in over the course of many years Jeffrey
28:03 Epstein the defendant sexually exploited
28:05 and abused dozens of minor girls at his
28:06 homes in Manhattan New York and Palm
28:08 Beach Florida among other locations in
28:11 particular from at least in or about
28:13 2002 up to and including at least in or
28:15 about 2005 Jeffrey Epstein the defendant
28:17 enticed and recruited and caused to be
28:20 enticed and recruited minor girls to
28:22 visit his mansion in Manhattan New York
28:23 the New York residence at his State and
28:25 Palm Beach Florida the Palm Beach
28:27 residents to engage in sex acts with him
28:29 after which he would give the victims
28:31 hundreds of dollars in cash moreover and
28:34 in order to maintain and increase his
28:36 supply of victims Epstein also paid
28:37 certain of his victims to recruit
28:39 additional girls to be similarly a
28:41 used by Epstein in this way I’ve seen
28:43 created a vast network of underage
28:45 victims for him to sexually exploit in
28:47 locations including New York and Palm
28:48 Beach the victims described here ember
28:52 as young as 14 years old at the time
28:54 they were abused by Jeffrey Epstein the
28:56 defendant and were for various reasons
28:58 often particularly vulnerable to
29:00 exploitation Epstein intentionally
29:03 sought out minors and knew that many of
29:05 his victims were in fact under the age
29:07 of 18 including because in some
29:09 instances mine victims expressly told
29:11 him their age in creating and
29:15 maintaining this network of minor
29:17 victims in multiple states who sexually
29:18 abuse and exploit Jeffrey Epstein the
29:21 defendant worked and conspired with
29:22 others including employees and
29:24 associates who facilitated his conduct
29:25 by among other things contacting victims
29:28 and scheduling their sexual encounters
29:30 with Epstein at the New York residents
29:32 and at the Palm Beach residence now it’s
29:34 interesting stuff right worked with
29:38 sorry worked and conspired with others
29:40 including employees and associates who
29:43 facilitated his conduct so he got his
29:46 employees involved and associates see
29:50 this this is something that I’ve thought
29:51 about with regards to you know was he
29:54 running some super legit hedge fund or
29:56 investment fund or whatever because you
29:59 know if if this guy’s handling a bunch
30:01 of people’s money and then this guy
30:03 commits a crime I’m the lawyer again but
30:06 wouldn’t they sue him for failure to
30:11 fulfill the basic duties of his office
30:13 which is not to say allegedly traffic in
30:16 underage girls for sexual purposes
30:18 why wouldn’t they why wouldn’t his
30:21 investor sue him and say listen man I
30:22 gave you a billion dollars like some of
30:24 his hedge funds say oh you have to have
30:25 at least a billion dollars why wouldn’t
30:26 people sue him and say dude you were
30:29 doing this stuff at the same time as you
30:30 were managing my money now my
30:32 investments have been super harmed I’ve
30:33 lost money perhaps and you’re no longer
30:35 in charge of a good person to be in
30:37 charge you failed your fiduciary
30:38 responsibilities to manage my money by
30:40 engaging in criminal actions have those
30:43 lawsuits occurred I don’t know but if
30:45 they didn’t well that goes to this
30:47 possibility this vague possibility that
30:49 probably will never come out it’s just a
30:51 pure hypothetical of course
30:53 which is that people funded him to
30:57 create a honeypot trap to control
30:59 powerful people in the West so that they
31:02 could do the bidding of unknown groups
31:05 or governments or whatever but you know
31:07 could go some ways to explaining the
31:09 seemingly insane aspects of u.s. foreign
31:11 policy but that of course remains
31:13 completely speculative so yeah who would
31:18 who would these associates are they
31:21 going to be charged are they going like
31:22 what’s going to happen factual
31:26 background during all I’m not gonna read
31:27 the numbers here during all time periods
31:29 charged in this indictment Jeffrey
31:30 Epstein the defendant was a financier
31:31 with multiple residences in the
31:33 continental US
31:33 New York residents Palm Beach residents
31:35 and so on now they are of course very
31:38 much concerned that he’s a flight risk
31:40 what he’s got like three US passports
31:42 and homes all over the world and I mean
31:44 he flies all over the place all the time
31:45 he’s got enough money to ditch bail
31:48 money if it needs to and not even look
31:49 back you know fly Polanski style and so
31:52 on so we’ll see you know if he does fly
31:56 well it’ll be like people getting out of
32:00 the United States after 9/11 in my view
32:04 so beginning in at least 2002 Jeffrey
32:07 Epstein now at least right could be for
32:09 Jeffrey Epstein the defendant enticed
32:11 and recruited in course to be enticed
32:13 and recruited dozens of minor girls to
32:14 engage in sex acts with him after which
32:16 Epstein paid the victims hundreds of
32:17 dollars in cash at these residences so
32:21 this abuse right so when you get
32:23 allegations you look for a similarity of
32:26 accusations from victims who have not
32:28 been able to coordinate right in both
32:31 New York and Florida Jeffrey Epstein the
32:32 defendant perpetuated this abuse in
32:34 similar ways victims were initially
32:36 recruited to provide massages quote
32:38 massages to have seen which would be
32:40 performed nude or partially nude would
32:42 become increasingly sexual in nature and
32:44 would typically include one or more sex
32:46 acts right so this is this is how
32:49 deranged and far from reality our
32:51 society has become I mean
32:54 how desperate or untutored or hungry for
33:00 any kind of attention are these girls
33:03 where when someone comes along and you
33:06 come from some broken home
33:07 they say in a lot of fatherless girls
33:09 here or single-parent household which su
33:10 means single mom for the most part comes
33:13 along and says hey you know there’s this
33:15 rich guy in a gated mansion who wants
33:18 you at the age of fourteen to come and
33:20 give him a massage in return for money
33:23 right if he wants a massage there are
33:25 plenty of legit masseuses who will come
33:27 by even set up a table in your own
33:29 dramedy could certainly afford any of
33:30 that right so how naive do you have to
33:33 be how broken how desperate how
33:36 untutored unschooled unprotected do you
33:39 have to be that some creepster comes
33:42 along and says yeah come and give this
33:44 rich guy a massage in his private
33:46 residence alone for money i mean come on
33:52 so says moreover Epstein actively
33:55 encouraged certain if its victims to
33:56 recruit additional girls to be similarly
33:58 sexually abused now that’s part of the
33:59 sadism in my view that to absorb them
34:03 into his network of predation Epstein
34:06 incentivize did victims go on it goes on
34:08 to say Epstein incentivize his victims
34:10 to become recruiters by paying these
34:11 victim recruiters hundreds of dollars
34:13 for each girl that they brought to
34:14 Epstein in so doing Epstein maintained a
34:17 steady supply of new victims to exploit
34:18 I mean this is not to me the activities
34:23 of somebody who’s got a full-time job so
34:25 where’s his money come from
34:29 so this is there’s the New York
34:31 residents which they talk about here and
34:33 then this is what happens quote when a
34:35 victim arrived at the New York residence
34:37 she typically would be escorted to a
34:38 room with a massage table where she
34:40 would perform a massage and Jeffrey
34:41 Epstein the defendant the victim victims
34:45 who were as young as 14 years of age I
34:47 have heard reported younger but we’re
34:49 going to go with this and just say 14 is
34:50 the base the victims who were as young
34:53 as 14 years of age were told by Epstein
34:55 or other individuals to partially or
34:56 fully undress before beginning the quote
34:58 massage during the encounter Epstein
35:01 would escalate the nature and scope of
35:03 physical contact with his victim to
35:04 include among other things sex acts such
35:07 as groping and direct and indirect
35:09 contact with the victims genitals
35:12 Epstein typically would also masturbate
35:15 during these sexualized encounters asked
35:16 victims to touch him while he
35:18 masturbated and touch victims genitals
35:19 with his hands over
35:20 sex toys girls what’s that phrase we’re
35:32 gonna get medieval on his ass it’s
35:34 pretty tempting and pretty tempting I’m
35:36 sure for some people so they say epstein
35:43 ooh that many of his New York victims
35:44 were underage certain victims told him
35:46 their age you can quote furthermore once
35:51 these minor victims were recruited many
35:52 were abused by Epstein and multiple
35:53 subsequent occasions at the New York
35:55 residence Epstein sometimes personally
35:58 contacted victim victims to schedule
35:59 appointments at the New York residence
36:01 in other instances and I quote here
36:04 Epstein directed employees and
36:05 associates including a new york-based
36:07 employee employee one to communicate
36:09 with victims via phone to arrange for
36:11 these victims to return to the New York
36:12 residence for additional sexual
36:14 encounters with Epstein and this is part
36:19 of the gist there I mean the shattering
36:22 of a family in the West you girl is
36:26 unsupervised she’s out there roaming the
36:28 streets she’s picked up by someone who
36:30 says come give a naked massage to some
36:32 creep stirrer in a private residence is
36:36 like yeah that seems great
36:37 she’s got hundreds of dollars she’s
36:40 traumatized Radtke see the girl said the
36:44 word pure was a trigger word for her cuz
36:45 he kept referring to her as pure I
36:47 assumed these girls were virgins which
36:50 means that they were to one degree or
36:54 another deflowered that the purity was
36:56 besmirched and spoiled shattered so
37:02 where are the families the girls gone
37:04 she comes back with hundreds of dollars
37:06 did they not notice she’s buying things
37:07 did they not notice that she’s changed
37:09 do they not notice any alteration in her
37:13 personality or noticed the slight
37:16 alteration in her finances where are her
37:20 parents and you don’t let your kids just
37:26 roam around like this and not notice
37:28 when anything happens it’s appalling
37:32 well this is back to
37:34 right female lions hunt and the male
37:36 lions guard the perimeters they guard
37:40 the borders they got the boundaries of
37:42 the pride men protect girls father’s
37:48 protect girls in general I mean I’ve
37:51 said this before but children of single
37:57 mother households are 30 to 40 times
37:59 more likely to be abused women as a
38:02 whole in general cannot protect their
38:04 children this is a man’s job which is
38:08 why if you want to prey on children you
38:09 want to get the men out of the household
38:11 you you want to you want to prey on
38:13 children could get men that gotta get
38:14 the men out of the household this is one
38:18 of the reasons why the welfare state
38:22 pays men to not be they’re not saying
38:24 it’s a conscious reason it’s one of the
38:26 reasons why people love to get women to
38:30 marry the state rather than have a man
38:32 around who’s gonna protect the daughters
38:34 and the sons do then the boys get abused
38:38 as well not in this particular instance
38:39 but it certainly happens so yeah that’s
38:47 that’s the general pattern and I’ll put
38:49 the link to this of course and this is a
38:53 cross state right this is was arranged
38:55 across this is from 14 in addition to
38:57 recruiting and abusing minor girls in
38:58 New York Jeffrey Epstein the defendant
39:00 created a similar network of minor girls
39:02 to victimized in Palm Beach Florida
39:03 where Epstein owned possessed and
39:05 controlled another large residence ie
39:06 the Palm Beach residence Epstein
39:08 frequently traveled from New York to
39:10 Palm Beach by private jet before which
39:12 an employee or associate would ensure
39:15 that minor victims were available for
39:17 encounters upon his arrival in Florida
39:22 associates employees other girls during
39:29 these encounters Epstein would escalate
39:30 the nature and scope of the physical
39:31 contact to include sex acts such as
39:33 groping and direct an indirect contact
39:35 with the victims genitals Epstein would
39:37 also typically masturbate during these
39:38 encounters asked victims to touch him
39:40 while he masturbated in touch victims
39:42 genitals with his hands or with sex toys
39:45 now
39:51 the reason Mike son of itch was saying
39:53 yesterday and I’m paraphrasing here so
39:55 I’m positive if I get anything wrong but
39:57 the reason that Epstein was arrested and
39:59 these charges were laid was because
40:00 they’re a foul but I think it’s 2,000
40:02 pages of documents about to be unsealed
40:05 as the results of the work by Mike
40:08 Tsarevich who started it the Miami
40:09 Herald and Alan Dershowitz who joined it
40:11 later these records are gonna be
40:13 unsealed what this means to me and again
40:17 I’m no lawyer but what it means to me is
40:19 that all these details were known when
40:23 this savage sweetheart deal was given to
40:25 this guy all these details were not all
40:32 these details were not when this
40:35 sweetheart deal was given to this guy
40:36 and the only reason he’s been charged
40:38 now is because these details were going
40:40 to come out what is wrong with us as a
40:44 society what is wrong with us it’s the
40:48 first job keep creeps away from the
40:51 genitals of your children everything
40:56 else is kind of like icing after that
40:58 this is the important thing and who’s
41:02 gonna who’s gonna pay for this who’s
41:04 gonna write I mean people say well how
41:06 would a free market deal with this kind
41:08 of stuff what would you want a contract
41:09 with an agency that that this slide let
41:12 this slip of course not now we better
41:17 shape up and start recognizing the
41:19 fundamental reality that children are
41:22 human beings and the human beings in
41:25 society most desperately worthy of our
41:29 protection if we cannot protect our
41:30 children we’ve got nothing left to
41:32 protect at all but what do we do what do
41:34 we do with our kids we we dump them in
41:36 government schools where they get
41:37 indoctrinated we layton them down with
41:39 massive amounts of debt so they can be
41:41 further indoctrinated in quote
41:43 universities that are simply vampires
41:45 feasting on the prior blood of what used
41:47 to be called a reasonable education what
41:50 do we do they don’t vote so we don’t
41:52 care about them we don’t care about them
41:56 except and insofar as they can be
41:58 manipulated for propaganda to open
42:00 borders
42:01 whether in Europe or in America Owen you
42:04 know what else we do what else we love
42:05 about our kids that they’re gonna grow
42:07 up and pay taxes so we can use them as
42:11 collateral with which to borrow and buy
42:13 votes in the here and now if we don’t
42:18 wake up and recognize that the most
42:20 fundamental prejudice in the world today
42:22 is child ISM bigotry and dehumanization
42:24 of children if we don’t wake up and stop
42:27 protecting our kids not only will we not
42:31 survive as a culture as what used to be
42:35 a civilization not only will we not
42:36 survive by God we don’t even deserve to
42:49 you

Reexamining the Epstein-Trump Connection (transcript)



Transcript TimeStamp


hey friends derek bros with the conscious resistance network and today we are going to continue our investigation into Jeffrey Epstein specifically we’re going to talk about his new indictment we’re gonna talk about the connections to Donald Trump and lots more but before we do that I’ll remind you guys to bookmark the conscious resistance comm which is our website where you can get all of our content all of our latest up-to-date reports vlogs interviews etc including a new report a new article from Isaac linen Berger who’s our recent contributor and of course you can follow on minds comm steam it discord Channel join our text list join our text list join our text list stop depending on YouTube you can follow us on YouTube of course and if you want to support you can go to patreon.com/scishow making content and keep this website and this movement alive alright so this morning Jeffrey Epstein has been officially indicted you guys already know the news he was arrested over the weekend he this morning just about 30-40 minutes ago there was a press conference I just finished watching it and here on CNN they’re doing like minute by minute updates yeah we have reached the day in a time let’s take a moment to appreciate we’ve reached a day at a time now we’re seeing in the biggest of the mainstream is actually talking about Jeffrey Epstein you know not in some kind of passing format but he is breaking news you know trending online he’s it’s being covered and I just I mean first of all the people who deserve credit more than anybody more than journalists like myself more than the Miami Herald more than Bradley Edwards the lawyer who’s been fighting are the women the women who have been brave enough and bold enough to come forward and speak out against Epstein and hopefully more and more women will continue to do so so yeah the news that’s coming out in the mainstream honestly not a lot of it is new if for those of us who have been on you know paying attention to this for quite some time they talked about Epstein molesting girls as young as 14 using a vibrator on them you know saying it was for massages and in sexually assaulting them and doing this to girls and his New York City home in his Palm Beach County mansion and his New Mexico ranch in Paris and on his private island this is all known again this is the mainstream catching up we’re happy they’re talking about it but if you’ve been reporting or if you followed my reports or seen our documentary that most of this is known information what is new today is that it says that prosecutors of course we already know they seized nude photos the US attorney for the Southern District of New York said that his Dauphin is not bound by the plea deal that Epstein struck years ago with those in Florida of course we’ll talk about that that sweetheart plea deal which was set up by Alexander Costa who is Trump’s current labor secretary Epstein faces up to forty five years in prison which the prosecutor says is basically a life sentence that’s a maximum sentence and item from that there’s only one count of child trafficking against Epstein one count of sex trafficking they do have a picture of him now that they’re circulating and they’re telling people have you been molested by this man then call 1-800 call FBI and you know help them bring more charges against him and they’re asking for him to be detained and not given a bail until the trial because obviously he’s very rich and wealthy and a flight risk we’ll find out later today when Epstein actually hits the courtroom what happens with that and now the indictment itself again and I’ll post the links to all this the indictment doesn’t really tell you much of anything new for those who paid attention and understand this what is interesting is we know that due to this indictment they are trying to seize Epstein’s properties in New York City I think they should seize his properties in Florida as well as his private island and all that but we’ll see where this goes right now it says they want to seize any of the property that have been involved in him trafficking you know ever been involved in any these offenses says the lot of parcel or land together with its buildings appurtenances improvements fixtures attachments and Easons located at nine eastern street in new york new york so they want to take his mansion from him and and let’s do it you know that that mansion is for a whole nother video i recommend you guys go back and checking out my video on Epstein and the Leslie Wexner connection Leslie Wexner is the billionaire mogul behind the limited and Victoria’s Secret and the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show which is the whole other thing is Epstein and a lot of these folks are all connected to fashion and to models and this is how they recruit some of these young girls as well so that’s the new news there’s been a press conference Epstein will be arraigned in court later today and we’ll find out if the judge will award him any bail or not now the reason I’m titling this video re-examining the Trump Epstein connection is because this is something I’ve explored in a number of different ways we’ve explored the idea did Trump ban Epstein from mar-a-lago we’ve looked at Epstein’s Mossad connections we looked at a lot of different areas and so I want to revisit some of those today especially because I noticed that this Zero Hedge article came out yesterday Trump was the only one to help prosecutor in 2009 Epstein case now it’s becoming clear Zero Hedge supports Trump so they’re showing that bias pretty clear here and they used my interview from last December when you guys may remember I went to Florida to go report on the Epstein trial one of the trials and I got the interview with Bradley Edwards and in Bradley Edwards interview he does say that Trump was one of the only people to help him he says quote the only thing I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I wanted to talk to them he is the only person who picked up the phone and said let’s just talk I’ll give you as much time as you want I’ll tell you what you need to know and was very helpful and the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever but had good information that checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009 so that interview I did back in December of last year is now turned into a Zero Hedge article now that Epstein’s in the news again and that’s about a lot of new subscribers you guys may have noticed the numbers going up on the channel again thanks to everybody who’s subscribing and watching the videos pretty much everything we’ve done on Epstein is is popping right now but I decided you know what so many of us teen having Trump supporters are coming in after seeing this interview in saying oh this proves it this proves that Trump innocent and so I thought it was worth let’s revisit this connection and so here are the main connections that I have found it will go through each of them briefly the connections between Trump and Epstein first off the proximity in Palm Beach the mar-a-lago Club which is Trump’s club Golf Resort and Epstein’s home in Palm Beach County as well so that’s one connection right obviously that’s not that doesn’t really mean much but we’re starting now at the most basic they have a proximity to each other they live in the same area one of trumps most important clubs and resorts which he’s called like the summer white house or the south white house of the south or something like that a camera what it was but you know it’s it’s a place that he visits fairly often and he’s been visiting for decades and Epstein’s home are pretty close I’ve been to Epstein’s home I’ve been to Palm Beach and driven by Mara Lago there within 10 or 15 minutes of each other on the same in the same area so that’s one connection right that doesn’t prove that Trump is involved in pedophilia but that’s a connection right so then we also have Trump’s friendly quotes about Epstein as recently as 2002 and we know that the charges on Epstein are between 2002 and 2005 it says from at least in or about 2002 up to including 2005 Jeffrey Epstein was involved in all this stuff in Manhattan and in his estate in Palm Beach Florida to engage in sex acts for perk money so then we have this well-known New Yorker interview Jeffrey Epstein International Money man of mystery this is from October 28th 2000 to that same time period when Epstein was already molesting girls and Trump says it says here Epstein tells likes to tell people that he’s a loner a man who’s never touched alcohol or drugs or and one who’s nightlife is far from energetic and yet if you talk to Donald Trump a different Epstein emerges I’ve known Jeff for 15 years terrific guy Trump booms from a speakerphone he’s a lot of fun to be with it is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do and many of them are on the younger side no doubt about it Jeffery enjoys his social life so there you go you have that quote that plenty of people pull out so that’s a second connection Trump into which again is during the time period where they’re accusing where he’s been accused of molesting these girls Trump is still calling him a terrific guy so I’m just trying to put together a timeline here as we go forward so there’s that quote that a lot of people use and of course there’s the pictures of Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump together it doesn’t really seem like they just knew each other in passing and then you have Trump’s black book the little black eye Trump in Epstein’s little black book which we know that the little black book for those who have seen my documentary the little black book was released by Epstein’s Butler his like private guy who helped out in all kinds of different areas Rodriguez who revealed that there was a lot of important names in there and we know now from the court records and from the you know the other unsealed records in other cases that Epstein would label miss everything as massages so he’d have names of the girls and it’s a massages and in his black book he had all these famous people now being in somebody’s little black book doesn’t necessarily implicate them Epstein had lots of names in there but as I was saying before it is it is an indication of relationships right and so he didn’t have just one number from EPSA from Trump he had 14 different numbers including his you know his his personal guard and all kinds of different things so there is a relationship that’s there that we can establish and I just want you know I want to point that out and we do know that Epstein according to court documents and according to X cubed e Trump according to Epstein’s brother mark he did fly on the private plane at least once I’ve also seen it reported to other places that there were two flights so for those of you out there who keeps saying that Jeffrey Epstein did not fly on Epstein’s plane that’s just not true this is documented in court records it’s documented by Epstein’s brother himself now what happened exactly we don’t know but we do know that he’s listed in the book and that he’s flown on the plane all right and another big connection here Alexander Costa sweetheart deal Alexander coast of course was the US attorney in Miami in Palm Beach and then he was nominated to the Labor Secretary and 2017 by Trump this is something that we covered here on conscious resistance in our documentary bring you down Jeffrey Epstein in October of 2018 prior to the Miami Herald investigation I just want to make that clear we covered that first and for anybody else who was paying attention it was out there it says a series of investigative stories by The Herald revealed that mr. Costa was personally involved in the investigating the negotiations they did not reveal that it was already known and myself and others have revealed that a Costa though met privately with one of Epstein’s lawyers who was also one of mr. costa’s former colleagues and subsequent weeks prosecutors from a Coast as office gave Epstein’s lawyers an unusual amount of control over the terms of the plea deal he said thank you for the commitment you made to me mr. Epstein’s lawyer wrote in a letter to a Costa after the meeting noting that a Costa had assured him that he would not contact any of the identified individuals potential witnesses or potential civil claimants so basically Alexander Costa promised Epstein’s lawyers that they wouldn’t tell the victims what was going on until after the deal was made which would prevent them from being able to stop it or prevent it in any kind of way so a Costa is just this crappy dude who’s been involved and he helped craft along with the case leads prosecutor Marie Villa fana basically they helped him craft this deal they helped up Steen get this good deal now since a Costa has come into office and his Senate confirmation hearing and another hearing he was questioned about this he claims that you know he was under harassment from Epstein’s lawyers and that they did the best they could do but you know I don’t I don’t buy that now so this is that’s a huge part of the whole story is that Trump then appointed Alexander Costa after a Costa gave Epstein the sweetheart deal so do you follow me Epstein gets sweetheart deal in 2008 from Alexander Costa who’s an attorney and Palm Beach Trump is in that area then Trump comes into office and gives Alexander Costa this sweetheart you know his own sweetheart deal and puts him in labor secretary which by the way labor secretary is involved is supposed to be involved in human trafficking and pursuing trafficking so that’s kind of an interesting connection Trump so far has refused to discuss why he gave a to that position and you know what connection to to Epstein that that has but we’ll wait to see now then there’s this claim about Trump kicking out at kicking Epstein out of mar-a-lago which again I have pursued this claim including in this interview that zero had just put out where I interview Bradley Edwards and not only did he say that Trump is the only person that helped him but when I asked him if it’s true that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar Lago he said he also tried to look up those claims but couldn’t find evidence of them now it’s interesting though to me because in and other stories I’ve seen that Edwards are here this is from Washington Post Trump barred Epstein from mar-a-lago quote because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club according to court documents filed by Edwards so Edwards filed court documents claiming that but then in an interview with me he told me that he couldn’t confirm that as well and then he chased it down as far as he could and he couldn’t confirm that and I’ve already done a separate video where I look at those claims which come from James Patterson’s book called filthy rich which focuses on Epstein and James Patterson is an author who also lived in the Palm Beach area who his neighbor’s of Epstein he claimed he hated Epstein he wanted to expose him but then he also is out there doing a book tour with Bill Clinton who is obviously tied to Epstein and implicated in the whole thing as well so I don’t really know and I think that those claims are just there’s not very strong evidence for this idea that Trump or some one of trumps managers kept kicked Epstein out of mar-a-lago because he found out about this because again I’ll refer you back to this quote in 2002 where Trump’s making it clear that he knows that Epstein likes beautiful women including women on the younger side and that he enjoys a social life that was in 2002 October 2002 while the indictment says that Epstein had been involved in molesting girls since at least 2002 up to 2005 so in the same time period that Trump gives Epstein this you know real nice quote and says he seemed like a good guy Epstein was molesting girls already and maybe throughout that time epp became aware of this or if he wasn’t already aware of this after flying on the private plane and after being a with this guy because that’s the thing is look all these Hollywood people the Prince Andrew all these politicians that were connected to Epstein it’s not like it was a secret it was an open secret that people knew what he was up to so they’re claiming ignorance now I’m not sure I buy it and I would be suspicious of anybody who does openly just swallow that that tail so I would say on this this is still not proven that Trump kept XT not Epstein out of mar-a-lago and it is important to acknowledge that Trump has also been accused of rape elsewhere connected to Epstein and by other women so the whole claim about Trump being involved with rape with Epstein came from one of the women Katie Johnson and I’ve talked about this in another video and of course with Katie Johnson’s claims she was being represented by a lawyer Lisa bloom who was connected to the Clinton campaign in some way so there’s you know some it’s it’s not clear-cut evidence maybe that was politically motivated but it’s not like that was the only time Trump’s been accused of rape and other things now again being accused of something doesn’t mean it’s it’s factual anybody can come up you know I’ve been accused of all kinds of crazy things over the years and that doesn’t mean that they’re true so that’s why you have to have an investigation I’m just saying it’s not unusual for to think that Trump could be tied to Epstein and everything going on because of Trump’s history now also to Zero Hedge wrote this article in 2017 fusing dif fusion GPS who was behind the whole Trump Russia P tape thing tried and failed to link Trump to Jeffrey Epstein and you can read this article yourself but basically they just interview some of the journalists who tried to push the idea of a close relationship between Trump and Epstein and he says I failed to nail him Trump’s ties were mild compared to Bill Clinton’s so that’s interesting you know and I do think Clinton we know he flew on the plane 22 times we know that they have a big relationship but those of you who are still stuck in the left-right paradigm or you think Trump’s a hero you know you’re not gonna hear the truth one way or the other you’re just gonna keep blaming the Clintons in the left wing and ignoring the fact that the criminals are on all sides of the political parties and that Trump is part of the swamp you know you could even if let’s say that even if this whole thing with Trump is not clearly connected to Epstein and he’s not involved in this let’s imagine that well Trump is still expanding the surveillance state he’s still dropping bombs in other countries he’s still increasing drone bombing he’s still militarizing the border he’s still putting banksters and oil cronies into power who are you know overturning protections of the environment I mean there’s on and on and on that we could go that prove Trump’s not a good guy so in this one case we don’t have clear evidence yet that ties Trump to being connected to the pedophilia he was friends with the guy as I said here he’s got friendly quotes about him he was in his black book he gave the the attorney who gave a sweetheart deal he gave him position of labor secretary and they lived near each other and there are accusations of rape but we still have no clear concrete evidence so I don’t know I just wanted to point that out I’m not ignoring the Clinton connections but the reason many of us are focused on the Trump Epstein connection is because Trump is President Clinton’s not president anymore guys quit obsessing over them yes I hope they’re all brought to justice but the reason we ask questions about Trump is because he’s an office right now last thing I want to note this is just a quote from Julie Brown who is the journalist from Miami Herald she says I felt a lot of pressure needless to say these are very powerful people and I think that they’re sweating a little bit especially today we don’t know how much how deep this went how far-reaching it went into the government but there have been lots of names that I could see on these message pads on a regular basis as part of the evidence these message pads where they would call and leave epstein messages such as I’m at this hotel why do you do that unless you’re expecting him to send you a girl to visit you at your hotel so there are quite a few important people powerful people who are sweating it out right now we’ll have to wait and see whether Epstein is going to name names and then on Sunday Julie Brown tweeted and I think this is where it’s most important and where I want to end I know there’s a lot of praise on here for The Herald and myself but I have to say the real hero is here where the courageous victims that face their fears and told their stories absolutely and the women who choose to come forward are the heroes because they’ve faced threats they’ve faced Epstein’s lawyers they face people out there including some of you idiots on YouTube saying oh these are just slut money-hungry young girls but just stupid stuff and despite all that these women are coming forward and speaking out and I’m very thrilled at that and and just applaud them and I’m gonna continue to keep my eyes and ears on this until we get more information if you want to help me get to the Epstein trial today Epstein will be arraigned in court we’ll find out whether he’s gonna make bail and it we’ll find out what the future is of this case and I want to be in New York City reporting on this trial throughout the whole thing to make sure that we get all the details so please help me get there help me expose this if you want to donate visit patreon.com slash Derek Bros you can also donate crypto you can donate via the PayPal link below the video and until next time remember you are powerful you are beautiful and you are free my friends peace

Transcript TimeStamp

00:00 hey friends derek bros with the
00:01 conscious resistance network and today
00:03 we are going to continue our
00:04 investigation into Jeffrey Epstein
00:06 specifically we’re going to talk about
00:07 his new indictment we’re gonna talk
00:09 about the connections to Donald Trump
00:11 and lots more but before we do that I’ll
00:14 remind you guys to bookmark the
00:15 conscious resistance comm which is our
00:17 website where you can get all of our
00:19 content all of our latest up-to-date
00:21 reports vlogs interviews etc including a
00:24 new report a new article from Isaac
00:26 linen Berger who’s our recent
00:28 contributor and of course you can follow
00:30 on minds comm steam it
00:32 discord Channel join our text list join
00:34 our text list join our text list stop
00:37 depending on YouTube you can follow us
00:39 on YouTube of course and if you want to
00:41 support you can go to
00:41 patreon.com/scishow making content and
00:45 keep this website and this movement
00:47 alive alright so this morning Jeffrey
00:50 Epstein has been officially indicted you
00:53 guys already know the news he was
00:54 arrested over the weekend he this
00:58 morning just about 30-40 minutes ago
01:01 there was a press conference I just
01:02 finished watching it and here on CNN
01:05 they’re doing like minute by minute
01:06 updates yeah we have reached the day in
01:08 a time let’s take a moment to appreciate
01:10 we’ve reached a day at a time now we’re
01:12 seeing in the biggest of the mainstream
01:13 is actually talking about Jeffrey
01:16 Epstein you know not in some kind of
01:18 passing format but he is breaking news
01:21 you know trending online he’s it’s being
01:24 covered and I just I mean first of all
01:27 the people who deserve credit more than
01:29 anybody more than journalists like
01:31 myself more than the Miami Herald more
01:33 than Bradley Edwards the lawyer who’s
01:35 been fighting are the women the women
01:36 who have been brave enough and bold
01:38 enough to come forward and speak out
01:40 against Epstein and hopefully more and
01:42 more women will continue to do so
01:44 so yeah the news that’s coming out in
01:47 the mainstream honestly not a lot of it
01:49 is new if for those of us who have been
01:52 on you know paying attention to this for
01:54 quite some time they talked about
01:55 Epstein molesting girls as young as 14
01:58 using a vibrator on them you know saying
02:01 it was for massages and in sexually
02:02 assaulting them and doing this to girls
02:04 and his New York City home in his Palm
02:08 Beach County mansion and
02:11 his New Mexico ranch in Paris and on his
02:14 private island this is all known again
02:15 this is the mainstream catching up we’re
02:17 happy they’re talking about it but if
02:19 you’ve been reporting or if you followed
02:20 my reports or seen our documentary that
02:23 most of this is known information what
02:25 is new today is that it says that
02:30 prosecutors of course we already know
02:31 they seized nude photos the US attorney
02:34 for the Southern District of New York
02:35 said that his Dauphin is not bound by
02:37 the plea deal that Epstein struck years
02:39 ago with those in Florida of course
02:41 we’ll talk about that that sweetheart
02:43 plea deal which was set up by Alexander
02:46 Costa who is Trump’s current labor
02:48 secretary Epstein faces up to forty five
02:50 years in prison which the prosecutor
02:52 says is basically a life sentence that’s
02:53 a maximum sentence and item from that
02:55 there’s only one count of child
02:57 trafficking against Epstein one count of
03:00 sex trafficking they do have a picture
03:02 of him now that they’re circulating and
03:03 they’re telling people have you been
03:05 molested by this man
03:06 then call 1-800 call FBI and you know
03:10 help them bring more charges against him
03:12 and they’re asking for him to be
03:13 detained and not given a bail until the
03:16 trial because obviously he’s very rich
03:17 and wealthy and a flight risk we’ll find
03:19 out later today when Epstein actually
03:21 hits the courtroom what happens with
03:23 that and now the indictment itself again
03:27 and I’ll post the links to all this the
03:28 indictment doesn’t really tell you much
03:30 of anything new for those who paid
03:32 attention and understand this what is
03:34 interesting is we know that due to this
03:36 indictment they are trying to seize
03:39 Epstein’s properties in New York City I
03:41 think they should seize his properties
03:43 in Florida as well as his private island
03:45 and all that but we’ll see where this
03:47 goes right now it says they want to
03:49 seize any of the property that have been
03:51 involved in him trafficking you know
03:55 ever been involved in any these offenses
03:56 says the lot of parcel or land together
03:58 with its buildings appurtenances
04:01 improvements fixtures attachments and
04:03 Easons located at nine eastern street in
04:06 new york new york so they want to take
04:08 his mansion from him and and let’s do it
04:10 you know that that mansion is for a
04:12 whole nother video i recommend you guys
04:14 go back and checking out my video on
04:16 Epstein and the Leslie Wexner connection
04:19 Leslie Wexner is the billionaire mogul
04:21 behind the limited and Victoria’s Secret
04:24 and the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
04:26 which is the whole other thing is
04:28 Epstein and a lot of these folks are all
04:31 connected to fashion and to models and
04:33 this is how they recruit some of these
04:35 young girls as well so that’s the new
04:38 news there’s been a press conference
04:40 Epstein will be arraigned in court later
04:41 today and we’ll find out if the judge
04:43 will award him any bail or not
04:45 now the reason I’m titling this video
04:47 re-examining the Trump Epstein
04:49 connection is because this is something
04:51 I’ve explored in a number of different
04:52 ways we’ve explored the idea did Trump
04:56 ban Epstein from mar-a-lago we’ve looked
04:59 at Epstein’s Mossad connections we
05:01 looked at a lot of different areas and
05:02 so I want to revisit some of those today
05:04 especially because I noticed that this
05:06 Zero Hedge article came out yesterday
05:09 Trump was the only one to help
05:11 prosecutor in 2009 Epstein case now it’s
05:13 becoming clear Zero Hedge supports Trump
05:15 so they’re showing that bias pretty
05:18 clear here and they used my interview
05:21 from last December when you guys may
05:24 remember I went to Florida to go report
05:26 on the Epstein trial one of the trials
05:29 and I got the interview with Bradley
05:31 Edwards and in Bradley Edwards interview
05:33 he does say that Trump was one of the
05:36 only people to help him he says quote
05:38 the only thing I can say about President
05:40 Trump is that he is the only person who
05:41 in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas
05:43 on a lot of people or at least gave
05:45 notice to some pretty connected people
05:46 that I wanted to talk to them he is the
05:48 only person who picked up the phone and
05:50 said let’s just talk I’ll give you as
05:51 much time as you want I’ll tell you what
05:53 you need to know and was very helpful
05:54 and the information that he gave and
05:56 gave no indication whatsoever that he
05:58 was involved in anything untoward
06:00 whatsoever but had good information that
06:03 checked out and that helped us and we
06:04 didn’t have to take a deposition of him
06:06 in 2009 so that interview I did back in
06:10 December of last year is now turned into
06:13 a Zero Hedge article now that Epstein’s
06:17 in the news again and that’s about a lot
06:18 of new subscribers you guys may have
06:20 noticed the numbers going up on the
06:21 channel again thanks to everybody who’s
06:22 subscribing and watching the videos
06:24 pretty much everything we’ve done on
06:25 Epstein is is popping right now but I
06:29 decided you know what so many of us teen
06:32 having Trump supporters are coming in
06:33 after seeing this interview in saying oh
06:36 this proves it this proves that Trump
06:37 innocent and so I thought it was worth
06:40 let’s revisit this connection and so
06:42 here are the main connections that I
06:43 have found it will go through each of
06:45 them briefly the connections between
06:47 Trump and Epstein first off the
06:50 proximity in Palm Beach
06:51 the mar-a-lago Club which is Trump’s
06:53 club Golf Resort and Epstein’s home in
06:56 Palm Beach County as well so that’s one
06:58 connection right obviously that’s not
06:59 that doesn’t really mean much but we’re
07:01 starting now at the most basic they have
07:02 a proximity to each other they live in
07:04 the same area one of trumps most
07:06 important clubs and resorts which he’s
07:09 called like the summer white house or
07:11 the south white house of the south or
07:13 something like that a camera what it was
07:14 but you know it’s it’s a place that he
07:16 visits fairly often and he’s been
07:17 visiting for decades and Epstein’s home
07:20 are pretty close I’ve been to Epstein’s
07:23 home I’ve been to Palm Beach and driven
07:25 by Mara Lago there within 10 or 15
07:28 minutes of each other on the same in the
07:30 same area so that’s one connection right
07:32 that doesn’t prove that Trump is
07:34 involved in pedophilia but that’s a
07:36 connection right so then we also have
07:38 Trump’s friendly quotes about Epstein as
07:40 recently as 2002 and we know that the
07:43 charges on Epstein are between 2002 and
07:46 2005 it says from at least in or about
07:49 2002 up to including 2005 Jeffrey
07:52 Epstein was involved in all this stuff
07:54 in Manhattan and in his estate in Palm
07:56 Beach Florida to engage in sex acts for
07:59 perk money so then we have this
08:02 well-known New Yorker interview Jeffrey
08:06 Epstein International Money man of
08:09 mystery this is from October 28th 2000
08:11 to that same time period when Epstein
08:15 was already molesting girls and Trump
08:18 says it says here Epstein tells likes to
08:22 tell people that he’s a loner a man
08:23 who’s never touched alcohol or drugs or
08:25 and one who’s nightlife is far from
08:27 energetic and yet if you talk to Donald
08:29 Trump a different Epstein emerges I’ve
08:31 known Jeff for 15 years terrific guy
08:33 Trump booms from a speakerphone he’s a
08:35 lot of fun to be with it is even said
08:37 that he likes beautiful women as much as
08:39 I do
08:39 and many of them are on the younger side
08:41 no doubt about it
08:42 Jeffery enjoys his social life so there
08:46 you go you have that quote that plenty
08:48 of people pull out so that’s a second
08:50 connection Trump into
08:52 which again is during the time period
08:53 where they’re accusing where he’s been
08:55 accused of molesting these girls Trump
08:58 is still calling him a terrific guy so
09:01 I’m just trying to put together a
09:01 timeline here as we go forward so
09:03 there’s that quote that a lot of people
09:05 use and of course there’s the pictures
09:07 of Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump
09:09 together it doesn’t really seem like
09:11 they just knew each other in passing and
09:13 then you have Trump’s black book the
09:15 little black eye Trump in Epstein’s
09:17 little black book which we know that the
09:20 little black book for those who have
09:21 seen my documentary the little black
09:24 book was released by Epstein’s Butler
09:26 his like private guy who helped out in
09:29 all kinds of different areas Rodriguez
09:31 who revealed that there was a lot of
09:34 important names in there and we know now
09:35 from the court records and from the you
09:38 know the other unsealed records in other
09:39 cases that Epstein would label miss
09:44 everything as massages so he’d have
09:46 names of the girls and it’s a massages
09:48 and in his black book he had all these
09:50 famous people now being in somebody’s
09:51 little black book doesn’t necessarily
09:54 implicate them Epstein had lots of names
09:56 in there but as I was saying before it
09:59 is it is an indication of relationships
10:03 right and so he didn’t have just one
10:04 number from EPSA from Trump he had 14
10:07 different numbers including his you know
10:10 his his personal guard and all kinds of
10:11 different things so there is a
10:13 relationship that’s there that we can
10:14 establish and I just want you know I
10:17 want to point that out and we do know
10:19 that Epstein according to court
10:20 documents and according to X cubed e
10:23 Trump according to Epstein’s brother
10:24 mark he did fly on the private plane at
10:26 least once I’ve also seen it reported to
10:28 other places that there were two flights
10:30 so for those of you out there who keeps
10:32 saying that Jeffrey Epstein did not fly
10:35 on Epstein’s plane that’s just not true
10:37 this is documented in court records it’s
10:40 documented by Epstein’s brother himself
10:42 now what happened exactly we don’t know
10:44 but we do know that he’s listed in the
10:46 book and that he’s flown on the plane
10:47 all right and another big connection
10:50 here Alexander Costa sweetheart deal
10:53 Alexander coast of course was the US
10:56 attorney in Miami in Palm Beach and then
10:59 he was nominated to the Labor Secretary
11:01 and 2017 by Trump this is something that
11:03 we covered here on
11:05 conscious resistance in our documentary
11:06 bring you down Jeffrey Epstein in
11:08 October of 2018 prior to the Miami
11:14 Herald investigation I just want to make
11:16 that clear we covered that first and for
11:18 anybody else who was paying attention it
11:19 was out there it says a series of
11:23 investigative stories by The Herald
11:24 revealed that mr. Costa was personally
11:26 involved in the investigating the
11:27 negotiations they did not reveal that it
11:29 was already known and myself and others
11:31 have revealed that a Costa though met
11:33 privately with one of Epstein’s lawyers
11:35 who was also one of mr. costa’s former
11:37 colleagues and subsequent weeks
11:38 prosecutors from a Coast as office gave
11:41 Epstein’s lawyers an unusual amount of
11:42 control over the terms of the plea deal
11:44 he said thank you for the commitment you
11:46 made to me mr. Epstein’s lawyer wrote in
11:49 a letter to a Costa after the meeting
11:50 noting that a Costa had assured him that
11:52 he would not contact any of the
11:53 identified individuals potential
11:55 witnesses or potential civil claimants
11:57 so basically Alexander Costa promised
12:01 Epstein’s lawyers that they wouldn’t
12:02 tell the victims what was going on until
12:03 after the deal was made which would
12:05 prevent them from being able to stop it
12:07 or prevent it in any kind of way so a
12:10 Costa is just this crappy dude who’s
12:14 been involved and he helped craft along
12:16 with the case leads prosecutor Marie
12:18 Villa fana basically they helped him
12:22 craft this deal they helped up Steen get
12:24 this good deal now since a Costa has
12:26 come into office and his Senate
12:27 confirmation hearing and another hearing
12:29 he was questioned about this he claims
12:31 that you know he was under harassment
12:33 from Epstein’s lawyers and that they did
12:36 the best they could do but you know I
12:39 don’t I don’t buy that now so this is
12:42 that’s a huge part of the whole story is
12:44 that Trump then appointed Alexander
12:47 Costa after a Costa gave Epstein the
12:50 sweetheart deal so do you follow me
12:52 Epstein gets sweetheart deal in 2008
12:54 from Alexander Costa who’s an attorney
12:57 and Palm Beach Trump is in that area
12:59 then Trump comes into office and gives
13:02 Alexander Costa this sweetheart you know
13:04 his own sweetheart deal and puts him in
13:06 labor secretary which by the way labor
13:08 secretary is involved is supposed to be
13:09 involved in human trafficking and
13:12 pursuing trafficking so that’s kind of
13:14 an interesting connection Trump so far
13:16 has refused to discuss why he gave a
13:19 to that position and you know what
13:20 connection to to Epstein that that has
13:22 but we’ll wait to see now then there’s
13:25 this claim about Trump kicking out at
13:27 kicking Epstein out of mar-a-lago which
13:29 again I have pursued this claim
13:32 including in this interview that zero
13:35 had just put out where I interview
13:36 Bradley Edwards and not only did he say
13:38 that Trump is the only person that
13:39 helped him but when I asked him if it’s
13:41 true that Trump kicked Epstein out of
13:43 Mar Lago he said he also tried to look
13:45 up those claims but couldn’t find
13:47 evidence of them now it’s interesting
13:49 though to me because in and other
13:51 stories I’ve seen that Edwards are here
13:54 this is from Washington Post Trump
13:56 barred Epstein from mar-a-lago quote
13:58 because Epstein sexually assaulted an
14:00 underage girl at the club according to
14:01 court documents filed by Edwards so
14:03 Edwards filed court documents claiming
14:06 that but then in an interview with me he
14:08 told me that he couldn’t confirm that as
14:09 well and then he chased it down as far
14:11 as he could and he couldn’t confirm that
14:12 and I’ve already done a separate video
14:14 where I look at those claims which come
14:16 from James Patterson’s book called
14:17 filthy rich which focuses on Epstein and
14:20 James Patterson is an author who also
14:23 lived in the Palm Beach area who his
14:25 neighbor’s of Epstein he claimed he
14:26 hated Epstein he wanted to expose him
14:28 but then he also is out there doing a
14:31 book tour with Bill Clinton who is
14:33 obviously tied to Epstein and implicated
14:36 in the whole thing as well so I don’t
14:38 really know and I think that those
14:39 claims are just there’s not very strong
14:41 evidence for this idea that Trump or
14:45 some one of trumps managers kept kicked
14:47 Epstein out of mar-a-lago
14:49 because he found out about this because
14:50 again I’ll refer you back to this quote
14:53 in 2002 where Trump’s making it clear
14:55 that he knows that Epstein likes
14:57 beautiful women including women on the
15:00 younger side and that he enjoys a social
15:02 life that was in 2002 October 2002 while
15:06 the indictment says that Epstein had
15:08 been involved in molesting girls since
15:11 at least 2002 up to 2005 so in the same
15:15 time period that Trump gives Epstein
15:17 this you know real nice quote and says
15:20 he seemed like a good guy
15:21 Epstein was molesting girls already and
15:24 maybe throughout that time epp became
15:27 aware of this or if he wasn’t already
15:29 aware of this after flying on the
15:31 private plane and after being a
15:32 with this guy because that’s the thing
15:34 is look all these Hollywood people the
15:36 Prince Andrew all these politicians that
15:38 were connected to Epstein it’s not like
15:40 it was a secret it was an open secret
15:42 that people knew what he was up to so
15:43 they’re claiming ignorance now I’m not
15:45 sure I buy it and I would be suspicious
15:47 of anybody who does openly just swallow
15:51 that that tail
15:52 so I would say on this this is still not
15:55 proven that Trump kept XT not Epstein
15:57 out of mar-a-lago
15:58 and it is important to acknowledge that
16:00 Trump has also been accused of rape
16:01 elsewhere connected to Epstein and by
16:04 other women so the whole claim about
16:06 Trump being involved with rape with
16:08 Epstein came from one of the women Katie
16:12 Johnson and I’ve talked about this in
16:14 another video and of course with Katie
16:15 Johnson’s claims she was being
16:17 represented by a lawyer Lisa bloom who
16:19 was connected to the Clinton campaign in
16:21 some way so there’s you know some it’s
16:23 it’s not clear-cut evidence maybe that
16:25 was politically motivated but it’s not
16:27 like that was the only time Trump’s been
16:29 accused of rape and other things
16:30 now again being accused of something
16:32 doesn’t mean it’s it’s factual anybody
16:34 can come up you know I’ve been accused
16:36 of all kinds of crazy things over the
16:37 years and that doesn’t mean that they’re
16:39 true so that’s why you have to have an
16:41 investigation I’m just saying it’s not
16:44 unusual for to think that Trump could be
16:46 tied to Epstein and everything going on
16:48 because of Trump’s history now also to
16:51 Zero Hedge wrote this article in 2017
16:53 fusing diffusion GPS who was behind the
16:56 whole Trump Russia P tape thing tried
17:00 and failed to link Trump to Jeffrey
17:01 Epstein and you can read this article
17:03 yourself but basically they just
17:04 interview some of the journalists who
17:07 tried to push the idea of a close
17:09 relationship between Trump and Epstein
17:10 and he says I failed to nail him Trump’s
17:15 ties were mild compared to Bill
17:17 Clinton’s so that’s interesting you know
17:20 and I do think Clinton we know he flew
17:21 on the plane 22 times we know that they
17:23 have a big relationship but those of you
17:25 who are still stuck in the left-right
17:26 paradigm or you think Trump’s a hero you
17:29 know you’re not gonna hear the truth one
17:30 way or the other you’re just gonna keep
17:31 blaming the Clintons in the left wing
17:33 and ignoring the fact that the criminals
17:34 are on all sides of the political
17:36 parties and that Trump is part of the
17:37 swamp you know you could even if let’s
17:39 say that even if this whole thing with
17:40 Trump is not clearly connected to
17:42 Epstein and he’s not involved in this
17:44 let’s imagine that
17:45 well Trump is still expanding the
17:47 surveillance state he’s still dropping
17:48 bombs in other countries he’s still
17:49 increasing drone bombing he’s still
17:51 militarizing the border he’s still
17:53 putting banksters and oil cronies into
17:57 power who are you know overturning
17:59 protections of the environment I mean
18:00 there’s on and on and on that we could
18:02 go that prove Trump’s not a good guy so
18:04 in this one case we don’t have clear
18:06 evidence yet that ties Trump to being
18:08 connected to the pedophilia he was
18:10 friends with the guy as I said here he’s
18:11 got friendly quotes about him he was in
18:13 his black book he gave the the attorney
18:16 who gave a sweetheart deal he gave him
18:19 position of labor secretary and they
18:21 lived near each other and there are
18:23 accusations of rape but we still have no
18:26 clear concrete evidence so I don’t know
18:29 I just wanted to point that out I’m not
18:31 ignoring the Clinton connections but the
18:33 reason many of us are focused on the
18:34 Trump Epstein connection is because
18:36 Trump is President Clinton’s not
18:38 president anymore guys quit obsessing
18:40 over them yes I hope they’re all brought
18:42 to justice but the reason we ask
18:43 questions about Trump is because he’s an
18:45 office right now last thing I want to
18:47 note this is just a quote from Julie
18:49 Brown who is the journalist from Miami
18:51 Herald she says I felt a lot of pressure
18:54 needless to say these are very powerful
18:56 people and I think that they’re sweating
18:57 a little bit
18:58 especially today we don’t know how much
19:00 how deep this went how far-reaching it
19:02 went into the government but there have
19:04 been lots of names that I could see on
19:05 these message pads on a regular basis as
19:07 part of the evidence these message pads
19:09 where they would call and leave epstein
19:11 messages such as I’m at this hotel why
19:14 do you do that unless you’re expecting
19:15 him to send you a girl to visit you at
19:17 your hotel so there are quite a few
19:19 important people powerful people who are
19:21 sweating it out right now we’ll have to
19:23 wait and see whether Epstein is going to
19:24 name names and then on Sunday Julie
19:27 Brown tweeted and I think this is where
19:28 it’s most important and where I want to
19:30 end I know there’s a lot of praise on
19:32 here for The Herald and myself but I
19:34 have to say the real hero is here where
19:36 the courageous victims that face their
19:37 fears and told their stories absolutely
19:39 and the women who choose to come forward
19:42 are the heroes because they’ve faced
19:44 threats they’ve faced
19:46 Epstein’s lawyers they face people out
19:48 there including some of you idiots on
19:49 YouTube saying oh these are just slut
19:51 money-hungry young girls but just stupid
19:54 stuff and despite all that these women
19:56 are coming forward and speaking out and
19:58 I’m
19:58 very thrilled at that and and just
20:00 applaud them and I’m gonna continue to
20:03 keep my eyes and ears on this until we
20:05 get more information if you want to help
20:08 me get to the Epstein trial today
20:09 Epstein will be arraigned in court we’ll
20:11 find out whether he’s gonna make bail
20:12 and it we’ll find out what the future is
20:15 of this case and I want to be in New
20:18 York City reporting on this trial
20:20 throughout the whole thing to make sure
20:21 that we get all the details so please
20:23 help me get there help me expose this if
20:26 you want to donate visit patreon.com
20:27 slash Derek Bros you can also donate
20:29 crypto you can donate via the PayPal
20:31 link below the video and until next time
20:33 remember you are powerful you are
20:35 beautiful and you are free my friends
20:37 peace