Offer Visual Reminders

Offer visual reminders.

                Once a task is learned, it is sometimes helpful to make task cards with pictures for younger children to remind them of the details of multistep jobs. For example, my daughter Grace’s task card for cleaning her room uses pictures and text and says, “When Mommy or Daddy say it’s time to clean my room, I make my bed, pick up all the clothes off the floor, put clean clothes away, put dirty clothes down the laundry chute, put the books on the bookshelf, put the toys in the box, and pick up any trash or papers on the floor.” The task card remains posted in her room so that she can refer to it and I can refresh her memory when necessary.

Life Skills For Kids: Equipping Your Child For The Real World

by Christine M. Field

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. ~ 3 John 4
